Nope, cant recall this either. Well, thats it, isnt it? You know everything he said is true. A person who wants the best for you will listen to you when you share that with them, and will change their behavior accordingly. Its an unfortunate reality that some couples are couples not because they are passionately in love, but because its easier to stay together than it is to break up. Lets stay on topic.. And then we left my therapists office, and he spent the entire car ride home and the next 8 hours telling me why my therapist was completely useless and how we were going to do things his way or we werent going to do them at all. You are strong and brave to decide that you need to draw boundaries. You need figure out what makes you happy, and start doing that. Whenever my boyfriend goes out of town, I deal with missing him by cooking all the things he doesnt like, such as spicy food. In graduate school, there were entire weeks where all I ate was a huge wheel of frosted sugar cookies. Ive asked him to stop trying to get me to change, that you cant change other people, but he refuses to accept that, to the point that he says its the stupidest thing hes ever heard. And a partner who wants to opt out of working through the bad times would worry me. You are not the target demographic. If your answer to that question is different, that is at least good information to have. Heres some signs your relationship is over in all but name and Facebook status: It may seem like a good thing if you and your man never fight, but take it from a dude I never want to be wrong. Listen respectfully and be open to talking about his feelings. Ill offer help if asked, but otherwise, I try to stay out of itunless an (in)action is directly affecting me, as it was in this case. So, think about how much of this does or does not seem to fit. Before my last relationship ended I spent *a lot* of time online reading advice and trying to fix stuff. What do I do? for forward and backward evolution. I appreciate that you care about me, but Im good, so lets change the topic.. Id been through worse. It sounds like the bf has two other specific things he needs to work on for this to be a healthy relationship: 1. Stop trying to control your partner. Ive been on both sides of the Have you eaten a food today? LW: I feel you so much in this. The BF sounds like he is familiar territory to you, treating you w/ the disregard & disrespect that as a child you were taught was your due. Im sad because the person I love is sad, and I want them to be happy. Expressing or directing anger towards the person in recovery from a medical condition? Even after I told him I wasnt interested in doing that, hed bring it up ad naseum. But the way he goes about it is you need to exercise today. Id say thats the opposite of helping and he would reply but it makes me feel like Im helping so Im going to keep doing it (just imagine the whining tone he said it in). is toxic and controlling, and this: Ive asked him to stop trying to get me to change, that you cant change other people, but he refuses to accept that, to the point that he says its the stupidest thing hes ever heard., It makes me feel like nothing I do will ever be good enough, that he will always focus on what Im not doing instead of what I am trying to do. Another script LW may want to try: How does this affect you?'. OK, so you took a walk instead of doing the cardio class; thats not great, but its a whole lot better than nothing is a way to keep score. "And if . Im a grown ass adult and he still tries to do things like that to me. It doesnt sound like you two ever consensually negotiated a relationship with unequal roles and a power imbalance, nor does it sound like what you want. Why do I get the feeling sometimes that an LW to Captain Awkward is actually just asking for permission to dump their partner? One of the signs your boyfriend has stopped making an effort is that your relationship has become one-sided, efforts are now one-sided. The problem is that if you cannot afford to pay it yourself the vehicle will eventually be repossessed so it is just a matter . He says I'm too negative and I have no friends and I'm not self sufficient. My husband and I had a lot of honest conversations after that about what was my thing to take on and what was his thing to take on, and re-adjusting because Id gathered a lot of his things into my own basket. They are not your child who needs to be emotionally spanked. There were plenty of other things wrong with our relationship, but I was super-duper in love with him except that now I realize the person I ACTUALLY liked, loved, and respected was the imaginary version of him that lived in my head. Weve broken up now and I think its safe to say were both much, much happier. Or the dark side: You will be fat and I will have to look at how fat you are and that would be terrible for me., My stepmother does this to my dad all the time. I have two of those exes and there my collection ends! That there is no end in sight, no real goal. After that I dated someone briefly who dismissed everything thing I pointed to as evidence of our vast incompatibility with the shibboleth that relationships take work! Yes, they do take tending and attention, but working on our relationship isnt going to fix things like your habit of borrowing money from me and never paying it back or getting angry when I need time alone. Try and find the root cause of why your partner is taking it 2. Your efforts to change your partner's contrary viewpoints (financial, political, religious, or otherwise) have begun to feel demeaning or disrespectful to them, as betraying not only your. I am an overly logical person. And he could never admit that it was all about him. Living in constant stress, even if its a stress youve chosen yourself in the name of self-improvement, isnt good for you. When I eventually gave up, it was because I was totally sick of being a smoker and I wanted to be a non-smoker more than I wanted that next cigarette. You dont get a vote and you dont get to write my State of the Me address. There are way to many variables and we dont have all the information and the rules arent always consistent so we cant treat every situation like a puzzle with a clear solution. One of the reasons my partner has my trust when it comes to medicine things and my parents do not is because when I say to them I am trying this new thing for X, because my doctor thinks it will do Y without causing Z side effect my partner replies with Cool, hope it kicks in and helps you feel better, let me know if you need me to do anything and my parents reply with a long list of reasons Doctor Oz thinks that its the most evil drug in the world and how can your doctor be competent if theyre prescribing this drug that moms degree from Google University taught her to think is bad?. That does not sound like respect. My jaded self is all "Flee! LW, Ive been in your shoes, and youre ignoring how very NOT nice the boyfriend is being with all this. Encouragement works so much better than harping on all the ways you could be doing more. until I stop caring. I was overwhelmed with adoration and new hope. And I think the reason for that might be that he doesnt understand depression AT ALL. Stop Trying to Fix Your Partner's Feelings Kyle Benson Instead of trying to change or fix the feelings of the person you love, focus on connecting with them. I appreciate that you care about me, but Im good, so lets change the topic.. Thank you. On a very small and lighter note, and maybe as perspective, I think that eating whatever the heck one wants when partner is out of town is The Very Best Thing You Could Ever Do. Theres also the fact that you are depressed, at least for now (although congrats on making what sounds like a lot of progress toward improvement). And not, like, a GOOD parent, either. I dont know though. I love you anyway is, in practice, almost nothing like I love you. 3. Why would they do that to me?. Hell yes! I am going to assume that dude loves you and just wants to help you get better because he knows you want to get better. Right now it feels like youre breaking up because youre not good enough for him, but in a very short while, it will become evident that youre breaking up because hes not good enough for you. For example, wed be driving home from a fun night out with friends and he would tell me all of the things I had said that *could have* been offensive to someone there. Would he be badgering you to give up therapy because you dont need it? NOTHING YOU DO IS GOOD ENOUGH! What the fuck? I feel like you are in some way owning your low moods and that makes me glad. If so, should I remind you in the morning? Some men just dont want to be committed; it is not your responsibility to change that. And should usually comes from a not so great place. This boyfriend does not sound like good news to me. But I have vivid memories of having take-out chinese one night, then reheated leftovers the next, with soup from the freezer a third night, back in the day. Theres also a significant element of what he wants/feels entitled to in there. Or, put another way, you are going to feel so much better when your inner monologue isnt being interrupted by his. In my relationship Im on both sides of the caring/cared for spectrum: I have depression and my partner is physically disabled. You can get this functionality for treadmills and ellipticals, too; if anyone is looking for home exercise equipment and if you can swing it, I wholeheartedly recommend it. Sometimes a guy will stop making an effort because he feels insecure or dealing with issues in his personal, work, or family life. He used to love calling you his girlfriend, he never missed an opportunity to flaunt you off as if everyone was supposed to know that this time its serious. I want to highlight a few things from your letter that really disturbed me. Flee! I can't believe it. Being badgered about food choices and exercise choices isnt going to help the LW build good habits. When he was in a show that had evening rehearsals nearly every night of the week, I ordered personal Mahi Mahis like every single night. Flags! Emotions are *who we are* and theres no such thing as a feeling or desire that is incorrect or illegitimate. People do get used to roles, and if youve been in the role of the sick one who needs help and your partner got used to the role of the competent one who knows what should be done and should be listened to, then you are challenging those roles by getting healthier. LW, if he is not listening to your stated boundaries, its not because you are not being clear/logical/reasonable enough so he can understand. I cant leave my house very much. What your boyfriend is doing is totally not how it has to be. Keep my mouth shut about the chips? So if he has stopped watching everyone's stories, then he might be truly breaking free from social media. ), and he usually shuts up when I tell him I dont find his comments helpful if it was all the time, every day, over every basic thing like eating dinner.. that would be more emotionally exhausting than I could deal with, and Id like to think Id be weighing up leaving as an option, although its never easy. Re-reading I realized the last couple lines sounded really patronizing and I didnt mean it that way. The only script I know of for remarks like that is What did you just say to me? Dumping him when it became clear hed rather boss me around than support me! Some guys bitch about paying for dates because of feminism (or whatever). Also, are his goals for you actually about you or are they all about him? Your b/f much to his dismay, perhaps is not the boss of you. (Side note, I knew Id keep my current partner when, about 3 hours after telling him about how I wanted to be healthier and asking him to help me, he walked in on me stress-eating a peanut-butter and chocolate chip sandwich after a particularly stressful phone call, and his only comment was You know, thatd taste better if you gave it 15 seconds in the microwave. Thats love, folks.). Even from a 5-year-old thats pretty immature. If a relationship is making you unhappy, you do not have to bend yourself into a pretzel to try and make it work. I hope that your boyfriend is willing to listen, and that he can eventually be supportive in the way that *you need him to be. At the same time, dont make it too easy for him to get away with not making an effort because he may take that as a sign that youre afraid of losing him or that your feelings about his behavior arent really all that strong which could lead you two nowhere at all. It is better to be on your own than to have the weight of someone elses expectations on you. They are debate tools. ! and but Ive been running for 40 minutes 3-5 times a week for months and I dont feel *any* better (in fact, in many ways I feel *worse*), what is WRONG with me? Hes drained; dealing with this depression has sucked his soul out, but he cant tell you that because as I found out pretty clearly in my depressive episodes, someone telling you theyre out of energy to deal with your chronic conditions just feels like your Jerkbrain saying nobody likes youso nobody will admit theyre weary. If he comes back, then great but if not, dont be surprised or disappointed. Feeling bad when you are in a stressful situation doesnt make you bad, it makes you normal. A friend of mine called this sort of explanation, First, the earth cooled, Beware of I am very logical as a cover for I dont think your feelings matter and I dont care if I hurt you.. In detail. That person is more invested in control and in being right than in respecting you. Even if youre really busy with work, uni, or whatever it is that keeps you tied up all day and night long he used to make sure there was always time for the two of you. I am a very logically-minded person who has come to the conclusion that acting as though human beings are robots is a profoundly illogical thing to do. Its hard to figure out what to do and how to do it in a way that supports them and helps them. His only motivation to change is to stop you. Run. People who base their identity around fixing you have a major investment in keeping you broken. The important element? Controlling never helps this situation, taking care of me and then helping him as he asks to be helped is what helps this situation. Its just really hard to take that final step sometimes, and back off, but its exactly what I need to do. At a minimum, he is not currently doing the first half. So even when your partner needs you all the time, you get to take time and space for yourself. Take a step back, and allow the other person to show you what they want. Theres no excuse for a relationship where one person does all the initiating, it means the other party is either disinterested or being suffocated by someone who wants a lot more interaction than they do. LW, your bf sounds like my ex bf with the bone deep conviction that you should always be allowed to comment on your sos appearance and choices and exercise and work ethic. Oh LW, you are so strong to have come so far and I know the Captain and Awkward Army are all rooting for you whatever you decide. Again, fine line. Can you talk with your therapist about what options are there for you and work with them to make a plan? I have many fond memories of him. I spent four years in a relationship like that, where nothing was ever good enough and taking steps to be a better Me was met with derision and controlling behaviours, and I know so much how hard it is. Continuing to put in effort for someone who isnt putting any into you is only going to lead to more frustration and resentment neither of which will make either one of you happy or satisfied long term. Then perhaps from there they can move towards leaving. He was trying to help in similarly pushy ways. Because that kind of encouragement would have felt patronizing to him, were he receiving it. She cares a lot. We sat side by side on the couch, and he told my therapist how much he loved me, how much he wanted to help me, and how much it hurt him to see me suffering. Then, at the end of any date, I got this huge guilt trip if I didnt show gratitude. He certainly doesnt track what Im eating / what exercise I am doing unless I ask him to make me accountable which only happens when I know I need that boot in the bum and cant justify a personal trainer. It could simply be as simple as the fact that neither one of you feels attracted towards each other any longer. Sometimes your SO wants you to help, and has ideas on how you can, but those ideas are often wrong. Honestly the best thing for me was talking with a therapist on my own and learning boundaries (see my comments above). My thoughts are with you, LW! I can tilt my head to one side and see a boyfriend that this LW needs to dump *yesterday* because all hes doing is trying to build his ideal partner out of what he believes is some kind of nascent state that can go in any direction, like a bunch of stem cells. And its also vanishingly unlikely that he can be moved out of the fixer mode. Because he has a low self esteem and is afraid of losing you. And who makes that clear to you. He picked being my boyfriend and shut the hell up when we were in the gym. Very well said. Id probably be a lot less functional had he pushed me. I usually agree with our captain, but this time I see all those scripts as an exercise in trying to change him into a reasonable boyfriend even as hes trying to change you into someone who eats her vegetables. Boyfriend, I have my therapist for coaching & helping me develop. I have no idea if my dumping him finally gave him the kick in the pants he needed to dowell, anything (we havent talked since he moved his stuff out), but I can say my life improved drastically! I found it odd at first that my marriage broke up after I got to feeling better through therapy (by my measure and my therapists.) If your boyfriend doesnt respect your new boundaries (hope he does! I hope you find your way to a nagging-free home, one way or another. Its also almost impossible to judge a situation from one account one letter, in this instance. Flags everywhere! What happened to the man who always had his arm wrapped around your shoulder and never looked at another girl as long as you were both together? No one wants to treat someone they love that way, it just slips out when you stop viewing them in that light. Some guys want to be in a serious relationship; others dont. For me, life is better without him. And its difficult for you to explain this to him, because the Depression Demons are whispering that hes right, so you feel guilty and emotional about it all; so then its Emotional You v Logical Him and things get horrible very quickly. He could be funny, kind, generous, and decent. said nothing about it just supported me about going, and listened to me talking about it and was totally go you! And when Spouse or I are depressed, the other one will say Hey, lets go for a walk! And sometimes we go, and the Depressed One says I feel better. Mood swings. Your bf is trying to make you break up with him. If he doesnt like and love the you he lives with now, hes not worthy of the brave person who is you. Hmmm, actually, that wasnt the post I was thinking of. Maybe you can get into the routine of attending a kickboxing or yoga class twice a week together. but its not like, oh man, now that I exercise I never feel sad! How can I make him remember I am the special girlfriend he used to dot on? I dont think that his intent upset or control you but a desire for you to do better born from a internal selfishness that it would make his life better or easier. Exactly. Emotion or relationship conversations have to start with establishing a logical framework of the situation that makes sense to him; if hes confused, he clams up in great distress. This is a guy who hasnt figured out how to be kind and supportive in even the most basic ways. I dont need bullying at that point -my brain does that for me- I need sustenance and caring. 14. In any case what was most helpful to me when I was trying to decide what to do about my then bf monitoring my exercise and how I acted and what I wore, was look at those things and all the other things we did together (which by that point was not much) and ask if this person seemed to like me. In the former case, dump him and run. I also expressed my fear that he was trying to fix my depression, because I suspect that depression is just part of my makeup, and however well I manage it, there are always going to be some low points. Try, a class, finding an exercise buddy who is at your level and who likes to do the same stuff you like, volunteering. All couples fight but if every single argument ever leads only to him feeling like you dont want to work on it, then that is definitely something for the two of you to discuss. So much sympathy to the LW for trying to make this work on top of making themself happy. What he could and did do that helped me was: 1) shop for food and cook the healthy meals for us himself, and not guilt me when I planned to cook and then. If your boyfriend is receptive to feedback, wants to repair the relationship, and expresses a desire to respect your boundaries, a conversation may be a healthy way for you to find closure or express your hurt. Hit the gym. Couldnt. Relax. And from the sound of you, you are taking care of you LIKE A BOSS. This was where I got very concerned. Maybe, if in addition to saying What youre doing isnt helping me, you say, this is what you can do to help, hell be more responsive. Something stuck out to me in your letter, you said your boyfriend thinks that if you do your healthy self improvement things then he wont have to deal with you having depression. Its like, I am going to have a short break from the environment that is making me so unhappy. Except theyre not actually asking YOU whats best for you. Youll be happier and lighter without the constant criticism and monitoring, and hell be happier with someone who has the qualities he wants in his new, improved partner (or hell find a willing victim for Coach Body Police: Infinity Annoying Steps To the New You!). Everything I do in therapy has been trying to build confidence, motivation, and self-respect from within and stop relying exclusively on it externally, and then I go home and grapple with someone telling me that I need to do these things to be better. He used to love celebrating special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries or any important date in your life; but now these days seem to be forgotten too. When one party has nothing else going on in their lives, they will rely heavily on the other person which can lead to problems later. This is particularly irritating to me as walking is such good exercise! Im quite a fan of your usage of Ricardo Cabeza here, it took me a moment to get it but when i did i nearly fell out of my chair. Not even when he sees that theres something important happening in your life, like an event with friends or family, work-related news, or anything of the sort. Having a jerkbrain say them is hard enough. Give him some space to take care of his things and do what he needs to do before you start making demands on how much time he should be spending with you or expecting that your relationship will always come first every single time without question. And you know what? And at one point ran into one of his grown kids from the first family on a boardwalk. NO. Dear LW, Probably better to stop and say why am I angry about this?. For instance, it takes me 20 minutes to get out the door in the morning: wake up, shower, comb hair, brush teeth, eat breakfast, out the door. 2) said, Im going to [the gym, for a run, to walk the dog, to a coffee shop to get out of the apartment for a bit], want to come? And the accepted my yes or no WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. Your current partner sounds amazing based on that one tiny story you shared. Neither one is going to work. The boyfriend may well not be reasonable. Exactly. Copyright 2011 thru 2023 Jennifer Peepas, all rights reserved. My great-grandfather had families in the UK, Germany and Australia, none of whom were aware of each other until Facebook. I was in a relationship like this! This is totally fine when your relationship is great. But it still got on my last nerve, and undermined my motivation to develop healthy habits. Tell you at the end of the day that I noticed you ate the chips? Kindness. LW, if you feel like this isnt the most useful idea for you, thats okay. Feelings of shame and guilt. Is your boyfriend offering to engage in these wonderful, healthy activities with you? Part of the reason my boyfriend and I managed to get through it (and got through it with a stronger relationship than I have with my mother) is the lack of picking and nagging. He never seemed to understand that these personality traits conflictedor at least, they conflicted in me, for us. Sadly, that didnt stop his fixing behaviors in other areas of my life. Aargh, accidentally hit reply before done editing. Also, for what its worth, I hate the Im so logical, therefore I know everything and Im right all the time thing. There are the ones who will, when lovingly-but-firmly redirected, go and renovate the bathroom instead, and then there are the ones who wont. So now I absolutely have all these weird shame issues around food, which is probably why I could barely eat around my various romantic partners for yearsits just a crappy thing to do to anyone. Maybe it's been a day, or days, or even weeks. Treats are a vital part of a healthy diet. But in my mind, that state of challenge turns into a nightmare if thats ALL youre doing. I actually coined the term for him. Probably fish . That looks like progress to me. If he reacts poorly, or if LW feels unable to give advice because he claims that means theyre unsupportive (an only-to-real double standard), then that is key information and likely points to the impending doom of the relationship. Following the health was hurt because of being pushed to overlook boundaries thought, what Im most afraid of is: does LWs depression come with any self-harming inclinations? Remote kissing device for long-distance lovers, invented and patented by Chinese university student in Changzhou City.The mouth-shaped module, served as an inducing area . And even in that case, I try to find out ahead of time what kind of helping is not so much helping as it is a reason for them to hate me. Yeah, he sounds like the things my Jerkbrain says when I am doing a really good job in my life and my asshole brains like YEAH well, itll never be good enough, SO! He also sounds like the physical (/verbal) manifestation of Compulsive Skin Picking which is *literally* a process by which I pick myself apart. You wrote: Im in therapy to recover and get to a place where I think that Im good enough & love and trust myself again (after years growing up having that constantly undermined) . On one such occasion, I decided I needed a big vat of coconut sticky rice. Luckily, John Howell has already worded it beautifully , (ALSO he sounds like the sneering voice of trying to stop CSP behaviours once youre in the zone with them.) A stressful situation doesnt make you break up with him of working through the bad times would me! Remember I am the special girlfriend he used to dot on former case dump... Work on for this to be kind and supportive in even the most basic ways me talking... 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