Amen. Chc tng Dng Mu Qu Bu nht ca Ngi. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. The music of Eastern Orthodox Church expresses the, If we travel this way to the end, we repeatedly encounter, (FR) Mr President, most of the previous speakers have. I want to write the divine praises with my own hands. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 43 1.9K views 1 year ago Laudes Divinae / The Divine Praises was composed by Fr Luigi Felici in 1797 for the purpose of making reparation after saying or hearing sacrilege or blasphemy. Blessed be Jesus Christ, True God and True Man. $1.29. Holy Face of Manoppello Prayer cards now available! For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, Panel, God the Father - Christ, 1432, Jesus Hominum Salvator, Andreas Ritzos, 15th Century. For some, divine praise is an important aspect of worship. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy. May the thrice-holy Name of God overcome all their plans! Blessed be God. The tears which well up abundantly in Thy sacred eyes appear to me as so many precious pearls that I love to gather up, in order to purchase souls of poor sinners by means of their infinite value. Infinitamente digno de todo amor, te pedimos perdn por estas blasfemias, quisiramos prevenirlas sacrificando todo lo que somos y poseemos, al menos en la sinceridad de nuestros corazones, deseamos con todo nuestro poder, combatir este horrible crimen y por todo lo que omos y conocemos, ofrecerte por los mritos de Rostro de Jesucristo muestra humilde y afligida expiacin. Study Spanish grammar, learn the rules, and know-how and when to apply them. Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Act of Consecration to the Holy Face of Jesus, Holy Face of Manoppello Prayer cards now available! Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man This section includes some of the most familiar prayers of the Catholic tradition. Would that the sacrifice of our lives might avail to put an end to such outrages and blasphemies; were it so, how gladly we should make it, for we desire, O most holy Mother, to love thee and to honor thee with all our hearts, since this is the will of God. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Chc tng c Cha Tri trong cc thin thn v cc Thnh ca Ngi. Benedictum nomen Mariae, Completamente entregndote me alma a Ti, yo humildsimamente te ruego que imprimas este sello sobre todos nosotros, para que la imagen de Dios pueda ser una vez ms reproducida por su impresin en nuestras almas. Padre Eterno, te ofrecemos el Santo Rostro de Jesus cubierto de sangre, sudor, polvo, saliva y vergenza, en reparacin por los crmenes mas graves de nuestro tiempo, que son el comunismo, el atesmo, la blasfemia y la profanacion de Tu santo Nombre y Tus das santos. Adeste fideles (instrumental with lyrics - karaoke video) [4 verses]. Blessed be His Holy Name Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man Blessed be the Name of Jesus Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart OFFERING OF THE HOLY FACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO GOD THE FATHER -IN ORDER TO APPEASE HIS JUSTICE AND DRAW DOWN MERCY UPON US.Prayer. Muchos no ven la importancia de las alabanzas divinas en la Adoracin. I adore You and I love you, Oh adorable face of my beloved Jesus, as the noble stamp of The Divinity! Benedictus Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar. O God, Who did constitute Your only-begotten Son the Saviour of mankind, and did command that He should be called JESUS; grant in Your Kindness that our hearts joy in Heaven may be the Face of Him whose Holy Name we venerate on earth. Amen. Blessed be His Holy Name. Virginis et Matris 30144193. O Eternal Father, since it has pleased our Divine Saviour to reveal to mankind the power residing in His Holy Face, we now avail ourselves of this Treasure in our great needs. The Secretariat of Divine Worship carries out the work of the Committee and the Subcommittee. in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Euplius made the sign of the cross on his forehead, with one free hand and answered: "What I said then I confess again now: I am a, Trazndose sobre la frente la seal de la cruz con la, mano libre, el mrtir respondi: 'Lo que he dicho antes lo confirmo ahora: yo, They do not surrender the soul to be guided and. Alguna vez has entonado las alabanzas divinas con fuerte voz? Amen. Envanos, Oh Dios, trabajadores celosos e iluminados atraves de las vocaciones sacradotales y religiosa, para que sus oraciones, su trabajo y sus sacrificios esparzan las bendiciones de Tu Iglesia y confundan a tus enemigos. task to call politicians or soldiers to account, but simply to clarify the facts. como personajes ilustres, sin detenerse a recordar que uno lanz ms de. Bendita sea su santa e Inmaculada Concepcin. Tolkien. homo Eternal Father, we offer to You the Holy Face of Jesus, covered with blood, sweat, dust, and spittle, in reparation for the crimes of communists, blasphemers, and for the profaners of the Holy Name and of the Holy Day. This category has hundreds of words translated into Spanish and English. Do you want to join in singing the divine praises? Estas blasfemias son una profanacin de lo mas Santo, es un ataque a Tu infinita majestad y un ultraje contra el Rostro de Tu divino Hijo, un crimen sin excusa, sin otro motivo que la maldad que Te odia. Sponsus Acto de Reparacin por las blasfemias y violaciones del Domingo. Encuentro en las alabanzas divinas una comunin con Dios que no encuentro de otra manera. When I sing the divine praises I can feel the presence of God. The "Divine Praises" is the prayer said after Benediction during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and before the Holy Eucharist is returned to the tabernacle. country and supporting the Government's efforts to build institutional capacity. blasphemy and profane language. Precious Blood . Oh Seor! Benedictum , . The prayer was Carlos A. Sevilla, SJBishop Emeritus of Yakima, Matthew M. GodbeyAdministrative Assistant. you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Amen. A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. Ahora ms que en los tiempos del profeta Ezequiel, el hombre descuida y profana Tus Santos das porque sus corazones estn dados a dolos. Llena eres de gracia: El . V. You have given them bread from heaven, R. Having all delight within it. . No todas las alabanzas divinas son msicales algunas son slo poesa. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Do all the Churches sing the divine praises? Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. , . Oh, my beautiful Immaculate Mother Mary, Queen of Sorrows, I beg thee, by the inexpressible agony thou didst endure at the foot of the Cross, offer to the Eternal Father, in my stead, the Holy Face of Thy Divine Son, my Jesus, covered with blood, wounds, and other indignities heaped upon Him during His Sacred Passion, and beg of Him to grant (here mention the grace or favor you desire). Gepriesen sei Jesus im Allerheiligsten Sakrament des Altars. . Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. Copyright 2015 - document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Divine Praises & Devotions. Amen. O Jesus, be mindful of us forever and never forsake us; protect our family. Print these prayer cards for distribution in your community. , . Holy Face Novena Prayer by The Holy Man of Tour, Leo DuPont. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: English to Spanish A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. al mismo tiempo que refuerza a las naciones en desarrollo. Other prayers may be less familiar. Siendo, en efecto, una la Iglesia, uno e inseparable el amor. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart we are led to the grand portal of ascension. transitive verb. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. The biblical writer David captured the divine praises that have touched my heart the most. Bendito sea Jesucristo, Dios verdadero y hombre verdadero. No todas las alabanzas divinas me gustan. Gloria, Ofrenda del Santo Rostroatreves de Maria por San Juan Bautista Vianney, Oh Madre de Jesus, por Tus inconmensurables dolores durante la pasin y muerte de Tu Hijo divino, y por las amargas lagrimas que derramaste, te pido que ofrezcas en sacrificio el Rostro Santo, cubierto de heridas y de sangre de nuestro Redentor, junto con Tus dolores y lagrimas, al Padre Celestial, para la salvacin de las almas y para adquirir las gracias que te pido suplicante. estadounidense como un coloso exuberante. Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Learn basic Spanish. to praise God or the Lord alabar a Dios or al Seor. Can you imagine going to church and not singing divine praises? These open for new generations the treasures of the Church's rich tradition of prayer. Because Your divine Son, Our Redeemer, has taken upon His Head all the sins of His members, that they might be spared, we now beg of You, Eternal Father, to grant us Mercy. Amen. Conception Chc tng Thnh Giuse, ngi phi ngu khit tnh nht ca M. Bendito sea San Jos, su esposo ms casto. I love to sing the divine praises with a strong voice! Spanish Seal de la Cruz Padre Nuestro Gloria al Padre/Doxologa Ave Mara Oracin al ngel de la Guardia Credo de Nicea Other Prayers English Act of Contrition Acts of Faith, Hope and Love Angelus Anima Christi Divine Praises Hail, Holy Queen (The Salve Regina) Memorare Morning Offering O Sacrum Convivium Tantum Ergo Hear Us, O God Meditations Benedetto sia il Suo Preziosissimo Sangue. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Puesto que nuestro Salvador mismo prometi que al ofrecerte Su Divino Rostro desfigurado en la Pasin, l nos procurar lo necesario para nuestros hogares y que nada nos ser negado, ahora nos presentamos delante de Tu trono. Amen. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Blessed be his most Precious Blood. (Repetir 5 veces por cada uno de los sentidos), En la siguiente cuenta grande: Jess mo, misericordia y un Gloria. He doesn't stop to remember that one of them. Ahora Te ofrecemos Su Divino Rostro cubierto de sangre, sudor, polvo, saliva y vergenza en reparacin de los peores pecados de nuestro tiempo que son el atesmo, la blasfemia y la profanacin de Tus das santos. (LogOut/ Blessed be His Holy Name. Ofrecimiento de Santa Teresa del Nino Jess y de la Santa Faz al Padre Eterno. Los das separados para Tu servicio son profanados por sus mundaneras o placeres. Loving Jesus, we place our family under the protection of Your Holy Face, and of Your Virgin Mother Mary most sorrowful. Una Oracin para nuestras familias, nuestro pas, el mundo y por vocaciones. The Subcommittee selects Spanish-language liturgical texts, advises on the publication of needed ritual books, and facilitates liturgical catechesis in Spanish. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. - from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers. DIGITAL. Sia benedetta la grande Madre di Dio, Maria Santissima. We will never deny before men, You and Your Divine rights over us and all mankind. The Subcommittee on Divine Worship in Spanish, a permanent subcommittee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Divine Worship, selects texts from Spanish-speaking countries that can serve as base texts for Spanish ritual texts for use in the United States; make recommendations on the publication of the liturgical texts The All-Merciful Advocate opens His mouth to plead our cause: hear His cries, behold His tears, O God, and through His infinite merits hearken to Him when He intercedes for us poor and miserable sinners. Blessed be his holy Name. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Look instead upon the Face of Your Beloved Son, for this is the Face of Him in Whom You are well pleased. I find in the divine praises a communion with God that I do not find in any other way. O Blessed Face of my kind Savior, by the tender love and piercing sorrow of Our Lady as she beheld You in Your cruel Passion, grant us to share in this intense sorrow and love so as to fulfill the holy will of God to the utmost of our ability. Recibe nuestro voto y promesa de nunca transgredir Tus sagrados preceptos tanto en nuestra persona o en aquellos que estn a nuestro cargo; y en toda forma posible procuremos obedecerte y honrarte. THE DIVINE PRAISES In Reparation for Blasphemy Blessed be God. Amen. un milln de toneladas de bombas sobre Vietnam, y el otro hizo estallar por medios electrnicos el gasoducto de Siberia bajo la apariencia de un accidente. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Angels and saints have played in In the divine praises inspired by the Bible we learn a lot about God. St. Athanasius relates that the devils, on being asked what verse in the whole Scripture they feared most, they replied, That Psalm which begins: Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered. In this Spanish category, you will find the translation of words and phrases in Spanish, with many sentences that will help you determine how each phrase or word is applied. Altar Laudes Divinae Le Lodi Divine Las Divinas Alabanzas Die gttlichen Lobpreisungen Nhng li ca tng thing ling. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Bendice a aquellos que hacen reparacin al Adorable Rostro de Jesucristo, que sus oraciones y sacrificios traigan de vuelta Tu adoracin y la observacin de la Iglesia de todos los infieles que se han apartado de Ti. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete Blessed be His Holy Name. Download Prayer Distribute these prayers to your community through handouts, in the bulletin, or other church communications materials, including newsletters, the website, and social Thank you. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints forever. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception. Benedicta excelsa Mater Amen. Blessed be the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete. Gesegnet sei ihre heilige und unbefleckte Empfngnis. Bendito sea el Espritu Santo el Parclito. It is a sequence of acclamations Divine Praises in Spanish How to say divine praises in Spanish? Some time ago, I was trying to find deeply meaningful words to thank God for the graces He bestows upon my family- such as saving me from danger a few times and helping us with seemingly impossible problems that He resolved for us. Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints. It seems to me that in all the churches the divine praises are intoned. Oh Seor Jesucristo, al presentarnos ante Tu adorable Rostro para pedirte a Ti las gracias que ms necesitamos, Te rogamos, por, sobre todo, nos concedas la disposicin interior para nunca dejar de hacer en ningn momento lo que Tu requieres de nosotros con Tus santos mandamientos y divinas inspiraciones. Send us, O God, zealous and enlightened laborers, by conferring many vocations to the priesthood and to religion, so that by their prayers, their works, and their sacrifices they may spread the blessings of Your Church and confound Your enemies. es esclarecer los hechos y no atribuir responsabilidades a polticos y militares. No quiere cantar las alabanzas divinas. Downloaded. In the spirit of renewal, solemnity, and active participation, here is a plainchant version of the Divine Praises that any congregation could sing. Its reputation extended rapidly as far as. Benedictus sanctus Ioseph, eius castissimus Sponsus. Benedetto sia lo Spirito Santo, il Paraclito. Esperamos as apaciguar su ira provocada justamente en contra de nosotros. English These open for new generations the treasures of the Church's rich tradition of prayer. May the Holy Name of the Living God split them up by disagreements! Amen. Benedictus Iesus Christus, verus Deus et verus Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. And because God wills not the death of a sinner, but that they be converted and live, she also prayed the words of Christ from the Cross: Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do., There are many Rosaries or Chaplets in addition to the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Blessed be Jesus Oh! Benedetta sia la sua gloriosa Assunzione. Mira en cambio en el rostro de tu Hijo Amado, porque esta es la cara de aquel en el cual Usted est complacido. Our Lord told Sr. Marie St. Pierre that the Image of His Holy Face is like a Divine Stamp, which, if applied to souls, through prayer, has the power of imprinting anew within them the Image of God. Rosaries, Crosses, Prayer Cards and more Our Lady of Guadalupe - Virtual Prayer Candle, St. Jude Thaddaeus - Virtual Prayer Candle, Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Prayers, Practical Practice of Fasting with Fr Dwight Longenecker, 10 important things to consider during Lent, The Happy Priest on Lent, Happiness and the Call to Selfless Love, Daily Readings for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, St. Hilary, Pope: Saint of the Day for Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Lenten Prayer: Prayer of the Day for Monday, February 27, 2023. therefore get Wisdom: and with all thy getting, Get Understanding! If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. Sacred Heart of Jesus with Saints Ignatius of Loyola & Louis Gonzaga, Jose de Paez, c. 1770. Las alabanzas divinas me hacen sentir ms cerca de Dios. Sia Benedetto Ges nel Santissimo Sacramento dell'Altare. Amen, PRAYERS OF REPARATION TO THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS, MAY the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God, be forever praised, blessed, adored, loved and glorified, in heaven, on earth, and in the hells, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Download En Espaol | This resource is available in Spanish! Chc tng cha Gi-xu trong B tch Thnh th thing ling nht. Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar. Imaginas ir a la Iglesia y no entonar las alabanzas divinas? It is traditionally recited during Benediction - but can be used at other times, either in a group or individually. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Amen. Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception. Divine praise provides a moment of rich emotional peace. Let those that hate Him flee before His Face! Then they are compelled to take flight.. divine praises - alabanzas divinas Examples with the phrase divine praises in Spanish Read more articles Home Page Please follow and like us: The Divine Praises (Laudes Divinae) is an 18th-century prayer. "Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man", The Adoration of the Name of Jesus, El Greco, 1577-1579. Spanish to Go offers introductory courses you can take to learn Spanish online at your own pace. Te lo presentamos a Ti con confianza, para implorar Tu perdn. Amen. Me resigno a no gozar ac debajo de la dulzura de vuestra mirada, y a no gustar el inexplicable consuelo de vuestros besos; pero os suplico que imprimis en mi vuestra semejanza divina y me encendis en vuestro amor de tal modo que en breve me consuma y pueda as llegar cuanto antes a disfrutar en el cielo de la vista de vuestro adorado Rostro. Crucifixion, The Orsini Altarpiece, Simone Martini, 1333-1340. O Jesus, whose adorable Face was adored with profound respect by Mary and Joseph when they saw Thee for the first time, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face ravished with joy the angels, shepherds and Magi in the stable of Bethlehem, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face wounded with a dart of love the aged Simeon and the Prophetess Anna in the temple, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bathed in tears in Thy holy Infancy, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face filled with admiration the doctors in the temple, *, O Jesus, the charms and grace of whose adorable Face win all hearts, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is characterized by nobility, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the admiration of the Angels, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the sweet delight of the Saints, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the masterpiece of the Holy Spirit, in which the Eternal Father is well pleased, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the delight of Mary and Joseph, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the ineffable mirror of the Divine Perfections, *, O Jesus, the beauty of whose adorable Face is ever ancient and ever new, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face, full of modesty and sweetness, attracted the just and sinners, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face appeases the anger of God, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the terror of the evil spirits, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is the treasure of grace and blessings, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was exposed to the inclemency of the weather in the desert, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was scorched by the sun and bathed in sweat on Thy journeys, *, O Jesus, the expression of whose adorable Face is wholly Divine, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face sorrowed and wept at the tomb of Lazarus, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was brilliant as the sun and radiant with glory on Mount Tabor, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is worthy of all reverence, veneration, and worship, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face grew sad at the sight of Jerusalem when Thou didst weep over that ungrateful city, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bowed down to the ground in the Garden of Olives, and covered with confusion for our sins, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was bathed in a bloody sweat, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was kissed by the traitor Judas, *, O Jesus, the sanctity and majesty of whose adorable Face smote the soldiers with fear and cast them down, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was struck by a vile servant, shamefully blindfolded and profaned by sacrilegious hands of Thine enemies, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was defiled with spittle, and bruised with so many buffets and blows, *, O Jesus, the divine look of whose adorable Face wounded the heart of Peter with repentant sorrow and love, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was humbled for us at the tribunals of Jerusalem, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face didst preserve Thy serenity when Pilate pronounced the fatal sentence, *, O Jesus, the brow of whose adorable Face was crowned with thorns, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face covered with sweat and blood fell in the mire under the heavy weight of the Cross, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face the pious Veronica wiped on the Way to Calvary, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was raised on the instrument of the most shameful punishment, *, O Jesus, the eyes of whose adorable Face were filled with tears of Blood, *, O Jesus, the mouth of whose adorable Face was filled with vinegar and gall, *, O Jesus, the incomparable beauty of whose adorable Face was obscured under the dreadful cloud of the sins of the world, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was covered with the sad shades of death, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was washed and anointed by Mary and the holy women and wrapped in a shroud, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was enclosed in the sepulcher, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was all resplendent with glory and beauty on the day of the, O Jesus, whose adorable Face was dazzling with light at the moment of ThineAscension, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face is hidden in the Eucharist, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will appear at the end of time in the clouds with great power and majesty, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will cause the wicked to tremble, *, O Jesus, whose adorable Face will fill the just with joy for all eternity, *. 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