as each hour crawled by that. >> a disturbing echo of other stories peebles knew all too well. It'd take an elaborate, undercover mission to finally crack this case. there was a time in her life when she did -- i don't know if you want to call it disappear, but she lost contact with her family. she didn't understand that her. gabriel was putting up a missing persons poster there. he created the suspicion himself, of course, when he illegally cashed wendy's unemployment insurance checks, and his gambling habit almost bankrupted the family, led to those terrible fights just months before wendy disappeared. okay. so much so that fiction is often difficult to differentiate from reality. the undercover canadian investigator posing as the crime boss wanted denis to feel comfortable, so he spoke french, denis' mother tongue. >> highway of tears? i'd never seen real emotion come from him before. figuratively speaking." >> more than $2,000, in fact, money he'd gotten in advance for an odd job, which he asked wendy to return when he couldn't complete it. and the animals taken away. it's what she yearns for most these days. but karen said they didn't have time to make an official diagnosis. i was balling. try new vicks vapocool drops in honey lemon chill for a fast-acting rush of relief like you've never tasted in honey lemon ahh woo vicks vapocool drops now in honey lemon chill. >> or maybe the enemy lurked within. for this free service, go to or call right now. word was a serial killer was on the loose. wendy had been getting unemployment insurance. the main person that they alluded to wasn't even in the area. Dateline: Secrets Uncovered The Woman With No Name. today, we are redefining how we do things. >> but there was something anna didn't know. >> you couldn't not look at it as a possibility. was she dead? she wanted to have a good time. -you don't know him. gabriel noticed that the old self-assured denis was back. Snapped Georgina Misener. the premier cold case unit in british columbia. >> this is the difficulty with missing person files. >> so said judy thomas, no highway of tears. go to today and see how much you can save. >> vancouver's e-division to be exact. and there was nothing else to. >> wendy, an art teacher by trade, taught her kids to help others, to speak up and be heard like her. >> mean the man they call "mr. big" when "dateline" continues. you'll thrive. >> it was a fake confession. we put wendy on a canada-wide data base. Izhar Harpaz, a producer for Dateline NBC, was in Prince George on Thursday to get a look at the sites and scenes related to the disappearance of Wendy Ann Twiss Ratte. >> mom was very vocal. read it, said mr. big, as denis listened. not happy i did it, but i still did it. mr. big will only accept the truth. Police investigated: a bitter feud with a neighbor, a possible serial killer. >> tonight they have brought me out to kil, MSNBC November 14, 2020 12:00am-2:00am PST. and also past the sights of unsolved >> she was the breadwinner. >> he said she left with no money, but then in the following statement, he claims that she he gave her money. >> the strong, silent hero who preferred long solitary walks in the woods to social gatherings. a jury was about to decide. with a rifle, one shot, you know, nice and easy. Sieppert, who was a teenager when her mother disappeared, tried for years to track her mother down, talking to newspapers and radio shows every year on her mother's birthday, but to no avail. When Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, goes missing, police go under cover to crack the case. they said they had never heard of her. -i did. rcmp investigator judy thomas checked the bank's surveillance cameras, and there he was. >> that's just the ideal of what. Become an Oxygen Insider. and she said, "i'm not wendy anymore." and shipping is always free. >> we had five polygraph operators read those charts. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. Police investigated: a bitter feud with a neighbor, a possible serial killer. FACTS -Wendy Ratte a wife and mother of 2 kids disappeared on August 18th,1997 at the age of 44 -American free-spirit born in a well to do family from New England -Became a teacher like both parents -Had a bipolar personality -One of her odd personalities was Shanna, a wild child who wanted nothing but freedom -Ran away from home twice >> and they sat me down and said, we've just arrested your father for the murder of your mother. all auctions start at $0 and everything must go. but we were both so lost that we couldn't -- we couldn't be there for each other anymore. >> so he did, all the way back to canada, to northern saskatchewan. >> i thought, well, maybe -- maybe she's there. >> translator: where? as well as a playstation 4 for under $16. that was a central fact in your mind? >> when "dateline" continues. >> no. it's another woman gone missing in unsubstantiated ways. >> i always thought of my family and my parents as being perfect. >> i'm going, wait a minute. disappearances were hurtful to her family members. >> frustrated is what he was, denis told his sister. >> i think he didn't see what i saw. >> they feel they have transcended the conflict intention of their former lives. Keith Morrison reports. >> then three months into the operation, the sting was primed. >> a couple of days later, anna got a call. he's got people he's working with that he really likes, they really like him. i just quit school because i felt like this is too much right now. Gabriel was in the kitchen and he was more or less paying attention when his mom and dad told him they were off to run some errands. i'm 15 years old and expecting everything to come and be norm normal. >> what does that do inside when you hear that? i always considered him about as close as a hero as i girl could get. >> sure, and if your physicality and your ability to provide for your family are taken from you, that's got to be hard on the ego. Sign in or register for your free account, Fort St. James man arrested, charged with attempted murder, Thinner forests key to industry prosperity, Man homeless after BC Housing buys building. really. >> it wasn't physical evidence, correct, yeah. clear lakes reflecting the blue skies above. please know that i'm here for you. >> i didn't know what else to do. one of the worst things about a cois how it can make you feel. it didn't matter where we lived, as long as we were together. According to ZoomInfo records, Gabriel Ratt's professional experience began in 2017. . that is, of course, if he knew anything about it. >> so everybody was looking for wendy, said gabriel, when really, maybe they should have been looking for one of the shawnas. , >> what about the religious group, the emissaries of divine light, that wendy had been drawn to years before? coming up -- a missing persons case like no other because who actually disappeared? inside everything looked normal, so anna drove the van home. >> so you were able to dispense with that one pretty quickly? why would he kill her? >> eerie. now 20 and living with a boyfriend hundreds of miles from prince george, she was determined to keep the search for her mother alive. >> there hasn't been a happy ending for anybody -- >> no. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last. thanks again for -- for rushing over. i never told it in my life. 3. >> what? mood swings for one thing. >> translator: i took a bumper jack, right? s. a month into the investigation, police thought they were a big step closer to solving the mystery surrounding wendy's disappearance. >> it was such a whirlwind. it i did it, and it paid off. he did, though he said he didn't like it. a stand mixer for less than $20. >> she began screaming obscenities and shouting. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. well, maybe she went there. It'd take an elabor Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, was missing. the police. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. >> in the classroom. that came from me. the goal -- to lure denis ratte into their midst and gain his trust so as to find out what he really knew about his wife's disappearance. >> i just kept making phone calls, and no one had seen her, no one knew what i was talking about. took a lie detector test to prove it. >> there was a polygraph question that had to be asked. >> my brother was lost. the truth is all that matters. that's one of your clear first steps in any disappearance or murder case is what's the motive. don't start humira if you have an infection. i want you to tell me the truth." Or, did danger lurk closer to home? of all the lies you could have said for why, you had to involve me again. that's what he had done. >> where do you start? >> -- except your sister anna thinks it's the right ending. be there for you, and them. spray. she went back to prince george, had a heart to heart with him and then called lois. they found absolutely nothing to corroborate his story. >> anguish like that couldn't stay hidden for long. no one had seen her. >> just disappeared from her life. >> when "dateline" continues you clean dishes as you cook. >> it was just the natural assumption that someone of that style, that democrat graphic demographic wouldn't go missing unless it was to someone she knew closely. During the trial, the jury watched a video recorded with a concealed camera, where Ratte took the officers to the scene of the shooting, in the back yard of the family's home, and then to a wooded area east of the city where he told them he dumped her body, which has never been found. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. when he tried to return to work, tough as he was, he just couldn't. to find out what happened, an elite group of detectives launched an elaborate mission. i said, "where's this coming from? they just didn't make any sense. and brand new cars for less than $900. Wendy Ratte, a free-spirited mother of two, was missing. >> translator: that -- that's my left side. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. >> translator: that's what we're going to do. >> the moment had come. >> shawna seemed to have been around off and on for quite a while. >> there was a clear disengagement from reality. just so you know, next time, you can submit a claim with our mobile app. we checked the airlines, the border crossings, there was just nothing. she didn't just disappear. for other cases there's usually -- at least bogus information coming in. he went to vancouver, registered for college, tried to go on with life. >> so it went on and on until one day she turned up and announced she was getting married to denis. so it's not just there to try to find a person guilty. could it have maybe been some kind of a sign of a struggle? >> during one of his delivery trips to vancouver, denis stopped to see his son gabriel, now 26 and a college student once more. but, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. i guess, around here. >> translator: does there come back to you? without it, there's no way to tell whether the suspect is telling the truth or is lying. i was just in the lineup late to get my gown, get ready to go to the ceremony and think, oh, my god, you know, what is this life? >> denis did not listen to his sister. CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. Police investigated: a bitter feud with a neighbor, a possible serial killer. >> i met shawna. there's no evidence. >> but still, why would her own kids think it possible she'd abandon her own family without so much as goodbye? >> was her mom alive? approached denis in prince george. coming up -- his back against the wall, what would denis say to mr. big? tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. >> she waved a quick goodbye at the door, walked down the stairs and out the door. you don't have remains. >> then there were the clothes denis said wendy wore. he was patient. >> you couldn't not look at it as a possibility. intentionally misspelling the family name, exchanging the rattes for the rats. >> right. that the rcmp had let the case go cold. >> we were talking about the phone, and he said they want me to take a lie detector test. Advertisement In 2003, in Las Cruces, New Mexico, residents were shocked by the news of a heinous crime inflicted upon a 22-year-old New Mexico State University . that's a piece of the tarp. On Friday the judge is expected to rule on when Ratte will be eligible for parole. and, by the way, he failed that lie detector test all those years ago. not so much as a bone. though it was hardly a surprise police would look at the husband. in a prince george courtroom, the battle lines were drawn. but isn't that life? Thirteen years after his wife disappeared, a Prince George, B.C., man has been sentenced to life in prison for her murder, but the couple's adult children remain conflicted about her death. he had access -- >> sure. >> not a big surprise really. >> for me as a reporter, it became sickening after a while to hear the police issue another release that another girl had gone missing. heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. not distraught by any means. >> i know my father. healthmarkets' fitscore instantly ranks plans both on and off the government exchange to find one that best fits your insurance needs. you live it. and finally we asked him, you know, "what is going on?" understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. >> i never met the joneses, but the stories i heard were that indeed people would not have been surprised if they had acted out some of the threats that they were alleged to have made. i know when he's hiding something, when he's not being truthful about something. >> a phone call from dad asking if we'd seen mom because she hasn't shown up where they were supposed to meet. we all see it. i didn't do it." But Ratte's son Gabriel Pelletier, who also made a victim's impact statement, instead asked the judge for leniency, saying he's still "conflicted about whether" his father is guilty. you're not the first person to ask me. this was one of those people who was not going to let this go. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. he lost the house, he lost kids had, he lost his whole life. >> you think he's living in la-la land? >> the only way gabriel thought he could make sense of it all was to confront his father in jail. >> earlier on in the mr. big sting, he confessed to killing a man with rat poison. i didn't want to leave a mark, right? it happened in a drama class. and -- >> i asked the lady who was there at the cash register, do you recognize this lady on the poster. Prince George man sentenced for wife's murder | CBC News Loaded. >> sure. it's there to seek the truth. >> nor did her quest seem to be over. >> yeah, like parents get divorced? with humira, remission is possible. a macbook pro for under $16. for years, women had been going missing out here. Comment must not exceed 1000 characters 57.1K 9,401 Share Copy Link More. In court she described the devastation of "losing" both her parents. when she does that, she's shawna. they're afraid of this family." >> i didn't believe it. >> when "dateline" continues. but anna could clearly see that wendy's very public complaints, about his failings had been bothering him a lot. the beatings, the staged kidnappings, the fake blood pacts. >> there wasn't quite enough to charge him. >> he said that day that she disappeared, friends of his saw the family from down the street that she had had kicked out. the reason for that was history. >> that's a job interview. >> well, i think you're a little too domineering for me now. one that's more than just fast. there was no evidence, said denis' sister. i was heaving. are you kidding? >> did the lie detector test, and i passed it. there was nothing to indicate that she was in any way connected to any of the missing or murdered women along highway 16. >> whether denis was arrested, he had no idea he'd been caught in a sting and that his confession to mr. big was on tape. 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