Oku laumlie lelei p a e Kovana mo e Houeiki o e Vahe Fonua ni pea peh ki he Kau Minisitaa o e Kapineti, Fakafofonga Fale Alea, Kau Taki Lotu kaeumaa a e kakai kotoa oku tefua i he Malae Nippon. General Debate at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, HM King Tupou VI's speech at the Official Opening of the Vava'u Agriculture Show, The Government of the United Arab Emirates Continues Support of The Kingdoms Energy Development, FOLOFOLA A ENE AFIO TUPOU VI, KO E TUI, The Kingdom of Tonga and the United Arab Emirates strengthen bilateral relations by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)on exemption of entry visa requirements. Inside the exiled Greek royal family's VERY lavish homes around the world - including a Cotswolds bolthole, a 2.4M Chelsea townhouse and a Bahamas escape. We welcome the appointment of the first woman from Tonga and the Pacific Islands Region to shepherd the important advocacy and facilitation work in the years ahead of the Office for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States. Host by Hon Prime MinisterVenue: Pangai Seaside, Host: Minister of Education Just as today following the Greek Olympic sports traditions, sports were performed during festivals and war/conflict was banned but sports were performed Oku ou tapou atu ki he ngaahi kupu fengaueaki kotoa pe i he Fonua pea mo e Puleanga, ke tau tuu hake katoa o fetakinima fakataha ke malui a Tonga aki hono fakangata hono ngaohi pea mo hono fetuku holo, kaeumaa a e maumau oku tupu mei hono ngaueaki o e faitoo konatapu i hotau fonua ni. Ko e founga eni nae ausia ai a e tuunga maolunga i he Fonu i he Kuohil, i he VOEA LATE supports Royal Visit to Niuatoputapu. Prince Taufa'ahau Manumataongo, second in line to the Tongan throne celebrated his first birthday with a church service and a royal luncheon in the grounds of the Royal Palace on Saturday, 10May. Taki Mamata. Pea oku ikai ko e taulanga pe oku i ai hono angaa, oku toe i ai mo e anga honau malae vakapuna. The Symposium will also provide a forum to build networks and working collaborations as well as it will seek to establish best practices and make recommendations that would inform activities contributing to the outcomes of the NIDP. 6,183 Followers, 159 Following, 1,402 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @tongan_royal_family. From Matangi Tonga Magazine, Vol. Tupou VI ko e Tui o e Otu Tonga. From Matangi Tonga Magazine Vol. Tapu mo Haa Moheofo. Sultan Al Nahyan, who wanted to establish a structure that would unite the Louvre Abu Dhabi, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, HM KING TUPOU VI VISITS MAJOR ABU DHABI TOURIST ATTRACTIONS. AHO FALAITE, 2 AKOSI 2019. Oku tau fakafetai he afeitaulalo a e Otua Mafimafi pea Ne fakalaolao a Natula mo fakafaingofua ka tau hu mai ki he Vahe Fonua ni i he ataa mo e taulanga pea mooni ai e lau a e Himi 421: Statement of FOLOFOLA A ENE AFIO KO E TUI, KO E FOLOFOLA A ENE AFIO, KO E TUI, Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited The Kingdom of Tonga from 25th 26th October 2018, His Majesty King Tupou VI Receives H.E. Tapu mo e kau Minisitaa o e Kapineti, Ko e niihi o e ngaahi Potungue, o Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 30. Fakamaauanga ke fakakakato ki he lelei taha hono Kau Fakafofonga o e Kakai. Tonga maintains its support for the early commencement of an intergovernmental conference to initiate negotiations on a substantive text. Hangee p koia oku tau ilo kotoa, e ikai ke toe tupu a e lahi o e kelekele o e Fonua, ka te tau lava p ke ngue fakapotopoto aki a e mea oku tau mau. Oku ou ofa atu kia kimoutolu kotoa. Alamy Stock Photo. Tapu mo e Kau Minisitaa o e Kapineti It is speculated that the Royal Family of Jodhpur has a net worth of INR 224 billion. Talolo a e matangi 21st June, 2016 His Majesty King Tupou VI officially opened the first Pacific NCD Summit yesterday morning at Faonelua Convention Centre. Further, It is the best way to prepare for the upcoming Expo 2020. Kapau e loto a e Siasi ke hoko atu a e fakalakalaka a e tuunga o e Ako fakamamani lahi ki he kotoa o e ngaahi Ako a e Siasi, e lava p ke fakahoko ia. Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Tonga to the United Nations. These The family earned $8,000 in their first month as content creators and has watched their net worth increased exponentially over the years. So that long term solutions could be sought. Tapu mo e Sea o e Fale Alea Source: www.pinterest.com. Oku mahino a e ngaahi pole i he Kahau. He served 28 years in the military and has a net worth of $47 million. Oku tau lolotonga feao mo e ngaahi faingataa fakaenatula ka i he taimi tatau p oku i ai a e ngaahi faingamlie oku omai e Natula o hang ko e lahiange a e fua ki he fakakomesiale. Ko e ngaahi feliuliuaki e hoko ma, oku tuu ki he faingataa ange. Ko e Tala Fakatapu ee kuo osi hono aofaki. Pea oku ou fakatapu ki he tangata mo e fefinei fonua oku au atu ki ai a e huufi o e Fale Alea o Tonga ki he tau 2020/2021. Ko e maumau oku hoko ki he fnau, ngaahi famili mo e fonua o e aho ni mo e Kahau, oku ikai ala fakafuofua p fakamahuingai. As of 2022, the Royal family of Liechtenstein is worth a whopping $4.4 billion which comes from a vast array of high-value investments ranging from real estate to art. Ko e fakaaiai a e too o e kava, vanilla mo e hiapo, aia ko e mauanga paanga ia e tokoni ki hono holoki o e hu koloa mai pea peh ki he ngaueaki o e ngaahi faitoo inisekite aia e lava p ke tafe ki he mauanga vai. Kuo mahino eni ko hotau fonua ofaanga ni, kuo ikai ke kei ataataa mei he faitoo konatapu, he kuo tau hangee tofu pe ko e ngaahi fonua lahi i mamani, kuo moutamakia e he faitoo The 2-megawatt solar facility in Tofoa aims to join the global effort of renewable energy generation and reduce electricity tariff significantly. Ko e taha, ko hai oku ne ilo naa au kiai kuo osi iai p mo e mauanga vai ki he inu, aia oku tau ilo ko e vai maa taha oku i Eua ni ia. Kingdom Of Tonga Set To Take Centre Stage In The United Arab Emirates. However, we have, and continue to, experience the negative impacts of ocean degradation to our livelihoods and culture due to the anthropogenic activities and inter-related devastating effects of climate change. While in most western countries one could follow political trends by studying the manifestos and the working agenda of political parties, in Tonga one has to understand the political thoughts of the King and the members of the Royal Family. Fakafetai he ofa a e Otua pea lava ai ke tau ausia a e aho fakakoloa koeni. On 16th of October 2019, Their Majesties King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau'u attended a special program where His Majesty commissioned the New Navy Headquarters building at His Majesty Naval Base, Masefield and the patrol boat, VOEA Ngahau Koula made possible through Australia Defence Corporation Program. AHO FALAITE 26 O SIULAI, 2019. Ofa atu, Ko e kaveinga Toukai mo hono Lohu oku fekauaki malie mo e "Feliliuaki a e Ea" oku ne uesia kitautolu he Aho ni. Click through, and take a peek inside the. Oku i ai e ngaahi faingamlie i he kolo fakatautehina a Haapi pea mo e kolo koia o Siaina ko Dongguan. The Full Schedule for HM King Tupou VI's visit to UAE. Oku amanaki ke fakahoko i he tau 2020 ha fakaaliali ngue kehekehe i he U.A.E p ko e Fonua Fakatahataha o e Houeiki Alepea. During His Majestys stop over, an invitation was extended by Her Excellency Minister Reem Al Hashimi (Minister of State for International Cooperation & Managing Director EXPO 2020) to visit the site of EXPO 2020. Ambassador Saleh Ahmed Alsuwaidi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the Kingdom of Tonga, in Audience on the 15th Nov, 2018 at the Royal Palace, Nukualofa, His Majesty King Tupou VI, receiving H.E. The distinct partnership between the UAE and the Pacific has become a model for other regional partnerships the UAE has extended in Africa and the Caribbean. I he mau a e ngaahi tuunga ako fakavahaa puleanga koen, oku FOKI mai a e kau ako ke ngaue mo langa hake a e ngaahi sekitoa kehekehe o e fonua ki ha tuunga oku toe lelei mo maolunga ange. Tonga's royal family has denied an allegation that the late King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV was involved in covering up the murder of Australian horse trainer George Brown almost four decades ago. Indeed the Tongan UAE relationship is a living example of UAE-Pacific partnership. In support of the project His Majesty donated six acres from his estate in Matakieua. 'Aho'eitu Unuakiotonga Tukuaho was born on 12 July 1959 as the third son and youngest child of King Tufahau Tupou IV and Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho Ahomee in the Royal Palace in Nukualofa,. 1535. News that the VOEA SAVEA was returning to Tongatapu via Vava'u was warmly received by the people of Niuatoputapu. "Sustainable Development Based on Sufficiency Economy", His Majesty King Tupou VI Addresses National Symposium on Illicit Drugs. Prince Charles - $100 Million. General Debate END. Ko e lelei tah, ke akoi oku nau kei iiki ke nau anga ki ai pea fai he aho kotoa o hang ko e makataa a Tevita. HM King Tupou VI welcomed the establishment of relations and Interview with Clive Edwards. E lava ke ataa p a e Potungue Ako a e Siasi mei he ngue ki he ngaahi fakaikiiki, ka nau tokanga p ki he kaveinga fakavahaapuleanga aia oku akoi pea tokangai foki a e silapa ako a e Siasi fakaktoa. fou i he Ngaahi Hala, Malae Vakapuna mo e Taulanga. Master developer Nakheel proudly welcomed HM The King Tupou VI to its use of the biological diversity in the high seas and the seabed and we are hopeful that a gradual convergence of views will result in a zero draft of a legally binding instrument for consideration at the second and third meetings of the Inter-governmental Conference in Mar and August next year. Royal Visit of His Majesty King Tupou VI and HM Queen Nanasipauu These visits laid the foundation and ground work for the launch of the pilot project on Agricultural Development Cooperation based on Sufficiency economy between the Kingdom [Tonga] and the Kingdom of Thailand. Ka i he toe mafana ange ai a e E pea e lava p ke toe lahiange a e foha o e manioke, ka oku holo leva hono ivi ki he mau meatokoni. Kau Fakafofonga o e Houeiki Npele pea peh ki he Prime Minister and the Government Leaders HM King Tupou VI accompanied by Dr. Yousif Al Obaidli, Director-General of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre. Oku ou iloi oku fiemau e he maketi ke too mo ngaohi a e kava i he faahinga founga pau. Ko e maka oku ikai ke osi ia pea oku fakamatala ki ai a: 1 Kalonikali, Vahe 12 veesi 2: Ko e kau fakakaufana kinautolu: naa nau fakatouanga, o ngueaki a e toomatau mo e toohema i he makataa mo e fana ngahau: naa nau kau ki he kinga o Saula, ki Haa Penisimani. In line with the SEP project work plan the emphasis of this study visit was on agricutural produce processing facilities applicable to Tonga. My country engaged fully in the seminal gathering of Leaders to again give prominence to the threats posed by climate change with its direct links to international peace and security and thereby to our sustainable development aspirations in support of SDG 13 and its targets. Arriving at its destination, the VOEA PANGAI and VOEA LATE side by side, alongside Pasivulangi wharf, Niuatoputapu. We are moved with profound sadness at the loss of the titled 'Kakala' whose essence has been the sanctuary and the fountain of love for the Royal House of Tupou. Oku monuia a Eua oku ofi p a e Vahe Fonua ni ki Tongatapu koia, oku totonu ke fakaaongai a e tuunga koia ke toe lahiange hono too o e ngaahi fua oku lelei taha ki he maketi, o tatau p ki he fakalotofonua pea mo e uta atu ki Muli. 2008 cession of powers. E matuaki tokoni heni ka tuunga tatau a e Taki, ko e Palani mo e Visone. The Christening Service took place on Sunday 10th June 2018 at the ANZAC Memorial Chapel of St Paul, Royal Military College Duntroon. Tonga's 700,000 sq km of territory is 99.8 per cent open ocean, and the King saw the invention as a big money-spinner. famili, telia naa lloa atu a e ngaahi faingataa koeni HM King Tupou VI with Heads of other Tongan Diplomatic Missions. Tonga's royal family in the past dealt harshly with rebels in its ranks. Mr. President, We send our message of solidarity and sympathy to the people of Mexico, their families and friends affected by the devastating earthquake and; to the millions of people in the Caribbean and all those affected in recent weeks by the utter ravages of successive hurricanes. In the picture below the supervisor explains how their bioethanol plant works providing fuel for their agricultural machinery. cultural diversity of the Islamic world with the historical and modern values of King Maha Vajiralongkorn is believed to be the richest individual royal in the world . The Head of Navy Engineering, Australian Defence Force Rear Admiral Colin Lawrence, representing Australia. Tuku ke u fai ia he lea oku mahino ki a kinautolu kotoa he neongo enau lea he lea muli ka ko e loto oku kei Tonga pe. Any foreign solution without much thought to our culture and tradition will not be sustainable and will not address the root causes of the use of illicit drugs in our societies. His Royal Highness along with his fellow course members of 172 from 24 countries graduated with the passed Staff College (Joint) qualification [(psc(j)], along with a postgraduate qualification in Military and Defence Studies accredited from the Australian National University. Ko e ako oku ikai ngata ia ha taimi ka oku ne fakaava ha ngaahi matapa ki he moui ke fakangata a e masiva. King Mswati III of Swaziland Age: 50 Net worth: 107.4 million BRITISH ROYALS GALLERY 2018 MEMBERS OF ROYAL FAMILIES connectivity of global cargo movement to provide solutions. position on the Expo stage and ensure the Kingdom nation is ready to fully Ka ausia a e ongo kaveinga mahuinga ko eni pea e malava ke ausia leva a e kaveinga Its closest neighbour is the island of Tafahi a volcanic island standing at 560m high and when the weather conditions are right the mountains of Savaii (Samoa) can be seen from the peak o Tafahi. Ko e ngaahi lesoni koeni e aonga ke tataki kitautolu i he etau feinga ke taui a e faingataa oku tau fehangahangai mo ia, ko e faitoo konatapu. Oku h mai mei he fakaaliali a e ngaahi fakakaukau foou, ngaahi ilo fakatekinikale pea ko etau fnau mo e toutupu oku vave mo lahi ange enau ilo ki he tekinolosia foou. Royal costumes Tupou VI, King of Kingdom of Tonga, addresses the general debate of the 74th Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, Sep 26, 2019). engage in the Worlds Greatest Show. An MOU exempting entry Visa requirements between the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Tonga was signed on the 23rd of April. Pea tapu mo e Fakatahaanga ni, a ia oku tau lonuku i he Uafu Tapu mo e afio a e Otua nae momoi ki Ai a e fonua ni Ko e tuu ki he Kahau e toe lahi mo mlohi ange pea ko e uhinga ia a e fakatkanga mo e fakaamu ke tau mateuteu, tokonaki fakakaukau mo e founga pea nguei. Ko e faingataa lahi oku tofanga ai a e Fonua he aho ni, ko e faitoo kona tapu. Cargo offloaded onto Pasivulangi wharf, as Niuatoputapu residents are overjoyed to receive goods from relatives in Tongatapu. Tupou VI has a net worth of $100 million. The people of Fotuna breached convention by killing the sacred Tu'i Tonga Takala'ua ca. "The solar plant alone is expected to add another 5% towards the nations renewable energy target", stated by the Minister for Public Enterprises and MEIDECC, Hon. Ko e faingataa o e Ako e hang p ha pupuu nifo ha pep foou, kae oua leva ke tau mau i Tonga ni ha kau faiako oku nau mau a e tohi fakamooni ako fakavahaapuleanga. Ko hono ngaahi tapuaki oku inasi lahi taha ai a e Vahe Fonua ni i he kakai, kelekele, atakai, i oseni mo hono ngaahi fakaofoofa mo e koloa fakanatula. Saleh Ahmed Alsuwaidi, conveying through His Excellency, His Majestys best wishes and compliments to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and reaffirming the Kingdom of Tongas close relations with the peoples and Government of the United Arab Emirates. Given the urgency at hand, I would challenge the Symposium to think about proposed pragmatic strategies that could be implemented with the available resources and partners at our disposal. We welcome your recognition of the challenges faced by small delegations such as ours, to ensure we are able to contribute equitably and effectively to the many important high-level meetings that you will convene during this Session. Civilian onlookers observe as their cargo are being loaded for Niuatoputapu. A e pule i Natula His Majesty King Tupou Vi commissioned a new hospital in Haapai. Oku oatu a e fakaml ki he fengaueaki lelei kotoa a e ngaahi Puleanga mo e ngaahi Kautaha muli, oku nau fakahoko mai a e tokoni mahuinga ki he pole faingataa i he tafaaki o e Moui, pea peh ki he langa hake a e fakalakalaka o e fonua i he malae o e ako, tupu fakaekonomika mo e ngaahi malae kehekehe, o -hrh, Only months ago Clive Edwards, as Tonga's Minister of Police and sometimes Acting Prime Minister, was seen by many as the most bull-headed man in the Tongan parliament. pioneering this innovation in education model. Sustainable development is possible where there is peace and security and sustainable Tonga Navy has an ongoing commitment to Humanitraian assistance and Disaster relief in Tonga and at times assists the outer islands when the ferry service is unavailable. Alea i Novema. Nukualo fa, Ko hono talaki faka-puleanga o e pekia a e Kuini Fehuhu, Kuini Halaevalu Fakatapu ki he Otua Mafimafi. E lava leva i he founga koeni ke tau pulei mo ilo ki he meatokoni oku fafangaaki a etau fanga monumanu pea ke mau ha ola oku toe leleiange ki he moui kae ikai ko e fakafalala p ki he koloa oku fakatupu mo hu mai mei Muli. Annual budget allocation to monarchy is T$ 4,894,900 (c. US$2,116,799).. We may be a Small Island State but all SIDS are large Ocean States. His Majesty King Tupou VI bestowed honours of the Royal Military Order of Saint George to members of His Majestys Armed Forces and the Tongan Police Force, at a private investiture ceremony held at the Royal Palace on Friday the 4th of May, 2018. Also present at the Service were Their Royal Highnesses Princess Mele Siuilikutapu Kalaniuvalu Fotofili and Princess Sinaitakala Ofeina e he Langi Fakafanua; HSH Prince Tuipelehake, Lord Fakafanua Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, members and relatives of the Royal Family and friends including the colleagues of Crown Prince Tupouto Ulukalala from the Royal Military Staff College. In other words, when George or Charlotte are associated (even unofficially) with a British brand, sales skyrocket. The Thai concept produces value- added products through simple preservation methods and packaging that facilitates higher market prices and promotes export. Kau Talafekau Lahi ko e kau fakafofonga o e ngaahi puleanga muli Pea ke tau manatui mau p, oku hau fakataha p a e Liliu mo ha ngaahi faingamlie. Thailands home grown approach to sustainable development is a critical domestic agenda in its Government policies. The Audience included a short Investiture ceremony in recognition of six team members and 2 management staff who were not part of the 2017 Award Ceremony for the Mate Maa Tonga Team. Oku fakatokangai a e ofa mo e feilaulau a e kinga Tonga mei he ngaahi Fonua Muli, ko e tokoni ki he ngue langalanga hake oku lolotonga fakahoko he Fonua. of Tonga. Sapate 19 Fepueli, taimi 1015 pouli. Ko e On Friday 26th October 2018 was a courtesy meeting with the Prime Minister, Hon. Saadiyat Island is undergoing a remarkable transformation into a world class Tapu mo e Kanolotoaa o e Hau, Mo fakafaingofua When he ascended the throne, he also inherited property worth over Rs 20,000 crores. 11 September 2021. Oku ne fakamanatu mai a e laumlie o e Tau Tahi. Daily flights operate direct from Auckland to Dubai, on the worlds largest commercial airliner (A380) thus enhancing the business opportunities for high yield exports from Tonga (fisheries, agriculture and in the near future labour force) and opens new trade doors for our Kingdom. Ko tahi oku laolao Ko e faingamlie eni ke tau fakahahaa ki he kinga Tonga te nau aahi mai mei Muli, te tau lava p o fakaaonga a e faingamlie koeni i ha founga oku lelei p ki natula pea ke tau ngueaki a e koloa meatokoni p oku mau mo fakatupu i he Vahe Fonua ni. HM King Tupou VI opened the new Taufaahau Tupou IV Memorial Building at Tupou College, Toloa and launched an impressive 500 pages book, titled Tupou College Sesquicentenary History 1866-2016, which tells the story of the development of education in Tonga by early Wesleyan missionaries. The outcome of the pilot project is the establishment of a Learning Centre for sustainable development for Tongan farmers on land made available at the Royal Estate, Matakieua. Tapu mo Kau Halauta. ", "do their best, as Mate Maa Tonga is our motto". Ben A. Pruchnie/Getty Images Net worth: $530 to $600 million The British royal family's net worth is made up of property, art, and investments. Net worth: $600 million Country: England. The Kingdom of Tonga and Switzerland formally established diplomatic relations in 1985 and the Official visit of His Majesty the King was organized and coordinated by His Excellency Dr David Vogelsanger (Ambassador of Switzerland to Tonga) and Dr Luka Muller (Honorary Consul for Tonga in Zurich). and control but for commercial opportunities. Her Majesty, The Queen Mother peacefully passed away on the evening Of Sunday 19th February, 2017 at 2215HRS, at the Auckland Hospital. The Christening Ceremony was followed by a Royal Luncheon at the Pialiggo Estate Glass House, Canberra. KO E FOLOFOLA A ENE AFIO TUPOU VI, KO E TUI The university accredits its role that it has in Fonua, kae tautefito ki he Toutupu o e Fonua. Ko e taimi koee oku fonu ai a e hofangahau a e tangata tau, ko e fakailonga ia o e mateuteu ke fepaki. His Majesty King Harald V of Norway has held the throne since Jan. 17, 1991, and is one of the most powerful world leaders. Garden Dinner at ancestral home of Honorary Consul Dr. Luka Mller-Studer, Zug, Switzerland Aia ko e founga fakalotofonua eni pea oku fakatupu moui lelei. Ko e konga mahuinga o etau fakatokangai a e Feliliuaki o Natula, ko etau fakapotopotoi etau founga ngoue. We are also grateful for the enhanced engagement of the United Nations Office for Project Services in Tonga through our recently concluded host country agreement. His Majesty King Tupou VI Addresses National Symposium on Illicit Drugs (English), Groundbreaking and Site Dedication of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Neiafu Temple, His Majesty King Tupou VI's speech at The Closing of Parliament 2021/2022, His Majesty King Tupou VI's speech at The Opening of Parliament 2021/2022, His Majesty King Tupou VI's speech at The Closing of Parliament 2020/2021, His Majesty King Tupou VI's speech at The Opening of Parliament 2020/2021, His Majesty King Tupou VI's speech at The Closing of Parliament 2019/2020, Their Majesties King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipauu honour the success of Tongas InvitationalXIIIRugby League team in the 2019 Oceania Cup rugby LeagueTournament, His Majesty King Tupou VIs Speech during His Audience with the Tongas Invitational XIII Rugby League team (video), The Royal Visit of His Majesty King Tupou VI and HM Queen Nanasipauu The eventful and informative morning was welcomed as it gave more than just insight, it helped provide substance for the Embassy opening and launch in the UAE. The Tongan song "Iseisa viola lose hina" was performed a cappella by renowned Swiss TV personality Ms. Sandra Studer. The two days (6 and 7 October, 2021) symposium brought together stakeholders and members of the public, including youths to share knowledge, experiences and best practice that would contribute to the effective implementation of the National Illicit Drugs Policy (NIDP) and its impact on harm minimization. The Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (also known as Masdar) installed power plants in cooperation with other partners and in addition to organizing courses and workshops to enhance skills of engineers, and officers in charge in the Pacific countries. Naa ne ngueaki he aho kotoa pea nae potopotoi feunga ke tau mo Kolaiate. With a number of Tongan Nationals currently working already in the UAE this MOU will facilitate easier access for friends and family to visit without the previous restrictive visa requirements. Naa oku lelei ke fakalotolahii a hotau kinga i Muli ke nau tokoni mai i ha faiako ha tau sii pea tau toki fetongi kinautolu. This certification process allows for consumption by the large and valuable tourism market in Thailand. from the other Tongan Diplomatic missions. Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were warmly welcomed by Her Royal Highness The Princess Angelika Latufuipeka on their arrival at Fuaamotu International Airport on Thursday afternoon. They are the good examples for youth to follow, in good health and healthy living. lava ke uta atu a e Koloa mei he feituu oku ngaohi p fakatupu ai, ke au ki he Maketi, o The UAE looks forward to Tongas active participation in the coming Expo2020 to be held in Dubai, and for the first time in Expo 2020s history, each Pacific country is dedicated an individual pavilion to present and market their products, economy, and beautiful history and culture. Naa ko ha taimi lelei eni ke tau fakakaukaui ha founga faama p ngoue foou pea ph ki ha pulopula foou te ne matuuaki a e Feliliuaki a e Ea. for the Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor Naruhito, Garden Dinner at ancestral home of Consulate General Dr. Luka Mller-Studer in Zug, Switzerland (video), The Full Schedule for HM King Tupou VI visit to UAE, Kingdom Of Tonga Set To Take Centre Stage In The United Arab Emirates (video), His Majesty King Tupou VI addresses the general debate of the 74th Session of the General Assembly of the UN (link to UN Web TV), Statement of His Majesty King Tupou VI on the occasion of the General Debate at the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly. The firm also estimated the royal family's net worth (Prince Philip and their children) to land at least $1.1 billion. We also acknowledge the work of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, the Commonwealth Secretariat, and the Pew Charitable Trust on the Regional Treaty. Ko e tokangaekina o e hako tupu o e Fonua oku ikai ko ha ngue sii, ke langa hake enau moui pea ke aonga ho nau taleniti ki he famili mo e fonua. We look forward to continuing our collective work in the Cook Islands as well as in Tonga in the coming months, before the Second United Nations Ocean Conference mid-next year. Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga to Japan, His Excellency Mr. Va'inga Tone moutmakia a e hako tupu o e Fonua, a ia oku tau Ka oku fiemau foki ke tau vakaii a e ngaahi faingamlie ke toe hiki hake ai a e mahuinga o etau toutai. - Clips of His Late Majesty's birthday parade. Koeuhi, ke lava ke tau fakahu atu ki he ngaahi Univesiti a e fnau ako te nau ako pea nofo i Tonga ni ke langa hake hotau Fonua. Ko e faahinga meatokoni koeni e tolu oku faingofuaange hono tauhi i he etau ngaahi fua o e ngoue anga maheni. he tuunga lolotonga ki ha Ngaahi Taumua oku fiemau. The land is estimated to be worth $748 million, and its net income in 2021 was about $25 million. ha ngaue, hili a e ngaahi palomesi mo e tali ki he Huufi o The Hon Prime Minister, Samuela 'Akilisi Pohiva, officially announced to the public on Monday 27th April 2015 the celebration of events for His Majesty's, King Tupou VI, coronation 2015. he taumua pea hang leva e ikai ke malava e he His Majesty was warmly welcomed by Her Excellency Minister Reem and the top executives of EXPO 2020 and prior to the site visit were able to discuss issues of mutual interest. In 1916, King George Tupou II selected Viliami Tung Mailefihi (known as Tung), a Tongan high chieftain, as Slote 's husband. 24th August 2019. Tonga welcomes the convening of the 3rd High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases tomorrow. ADB joined the Government of Tonga and other development partners during the opening ceremony of Princess Fusipala hospital. 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