think my hair loss is from blazing, wat else could it be?. But what about e-cigarettes? Whitout one last blow. But Ive also read quite a few people saying that they have lost alot of hair from vaping too. Im not exercising much besides gettin laid;)(which is the only thing keeping me sane) but I definately feel that I am changing mentally. Ever since last year, Ive been smoking a lot more and started Aloha! Far too often in these situations, by the time you realize the damage is done it can be too late to reverse course without professional intervention. I immediately noticed my hair thicken up right at the front of the crown. Ive been wearing a hat EVERY FUCKING DAY because of this and its only getting worse. Somewhere in september 2012 i decided to cut my hair really short, because the hair cut with long thinning hair just looked to ridicules. Text Size:galway international arts festival logowheelchair tennis australian open prize money buying businesses for sale. I am a 41 year old woman and I have noticed my hair thinning a around my right temple. Weight loss/gain. With the focus on appearance and body image, it's common for many individuals to look for ways to achieve their Metabolic Evolution is owned by a vegetarian who has been practicing it since 2007. For young adults, vaping often leads to smoking, and about half of adult vapers also smoke. im 19 years old and i honestly see a link with smoking and hairloss, i started smoking at 15 and i remember everytime i would run my hand through my hair a few strands would come out, i quite smoking about 3 months ago and i began working out as many times a week as i can and i would sit in the sauna after that as an attempt to improve the blood circulation in my body, and i feel like the amount of hair im losing has decreased and there are these little hairs growing on the left side of my head where my hairline used to be before the hairloss (im not sure if it was always like this or if this is just a result of my wishful thinking) but ive been following up with this thread for a while and i dont know if quitting will reverse the damage, but i hope it will and for the people who have commented about going back to smoking because they havent seen a change i hope you will look at things this way: you already did some damage to your body why throw it all a way because things didnt go your way, you still have the rest of your body to worry about. Ive been of the ciggs for three full months now. Like Jeffb said, hair starts growing in strange places as we get older. By now, youd have to be living under a rock not to know the dangers of smoking cigarettes. In the case of a regular hair fall, your hair may end up falling out in a few days. I was been advised by a 87 year old man who still smokes and he was my cigarette buddy , Hello, i have read all the stories on this website and it has inspired me to stop smoking. The reason why is because when you quit smoking you get an increase in Nitric Oxide(this is also found in Rogaine). I just crushed the cigs I had left and threw them out. I hope it happens for you. The liquid itself contains over 60 chemicals that multiply into volatile organic compounds, carcinogens, and heavy metals as the liquid becomes aerosolized. I did not stop smoking for regrowing new hair but for my overall health and Im surprised of the effect on the quality of the scalps skin. This, in turn, causes blood circulating problems, thus restricting blood flow to crucial organs, including the scalp. i dont have a bald spot, but my hair has gotten thinner and it appears my hairline might be starting to reside. Vaping increases the risk of hair loss. You may be wondering whether the condition can be reversed or not if you stop vaping. this has been my eight week, will continue to report in the future. Even I am trying to cut off and stop Snus(snuff or snoof). Still I dismissed the idea due to my love for mary jane. if i stop vaping will my hair grow back welding portfolio example. Smoking tobacco can potentially damage your hair follicles and increase your risk of developing hair loss. I had always beautiful shiny hair. The marketing of it is managed for it to look that way. link to How to Drop From 3x to 2x Size Fast? lets see how it continues, iv quite few times before when i was younger and it worked then, I hope it will work again, I am quitting again on monday. In addition to negatively affecting blood flow, nicotine also damages hair follicles by increasing androgen secretion, which leads to loss of hair. If you havent had nicotine withdrawals yet, you may be experiencing them by day three. So the only thing I tried and liked was litchi flavoured electronic cigarette !!! Since not much is known about the safety of vaping, it's best to say no to e-cigarettes. Find out YOUR trigger and listen to your gut instint. This stopped the balding, but did little to regrow hair. Though they are commonly said to be safer than cigarettes, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found nicotine and cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) in two popular brands of electronic cigarettes. The technicalities of this are vast, and I will list a few of them here: 1) Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to your cells, oxygen is entirely necessary for growth of new cells, including the cells used in production of skin, hair and nails. Needless to say Im convinced that smoking is the cause of my hair loss and Ive quit again for two days . Growing up and throughout my 20s I had incredibly THICK hair, and a LOT of it. After one year, cardiovascular risk reduces by 50 percent, Dr. Djordjevic says. With increased blood flow to the hair follicles and nutrients, hair is likely to be thicker and more hydrated. Quit smoking 6 mos. My hair came back then. Just trying to keep a positive and happy mind, knowing that im finally going to quit smoking and be done is quite exciting after all! Smoking electronic cigarettes may slow down your hair growth, speeding up the effects of balding and thinning. I havent smoked in 3 days, on the patch. Marketing links or commercial advertisements will be deleted. Heres to a healthier future :). it didnt bother me to great extent because i used to have good looking, thick hair. There is also a traditional remedy for hair loss that I recommend based on others experience. Guess it's a guy thing. 30 Everyday Mistakes That Raise Your Risk of Catching a Cold. I guess Im younger than everyone here,Im 17 and I just started smoking 1 year ago.After 4-5 months I noticed that my hair was getting thinner and thinner.At the time I blamed the gel and the shampoo so I just stopped putting gel,changed shampoo and I actually stopped smoking for 14 days or something like that.I immediatly noticed that my hair wasnt falling down anymore and I felt that my hair was growing back so I started smoking again.Not long after restarting smoking,2 months from it,I noticed that my hair was getting thinner again and at the time I realised that the real problem were cigarettes.I made a couple of tentatives that didnt even last a week until 18 september and that means 22 days without smoking.My hair are still falling down and Im waiting for results(hoping that Ill have any). Physical symptoms include headaches, sweating, tremors, insomnia, increased appetite, abdominal cramps, and constipation, Dr. Djordjevic says. Smoking even e-cigarettes can badly impair your lung health and make fighting off infections difficult. Stay strong everyone! hi guys, i am 23 yr old, i began smoking when i was 18 & i have already quit smoking since jan 18th 2013.I ve big patches upside on my head.once i had read these comments about hairfall in december 2012, so was willing to quit smoking & i am already done with it. I started taking fin and that did help fill in the thin-ness a bit. Although vaping is relatively safer than smoking tobacco, multiple studies have shown that it contains toxic substances that may harm your health. I m 31I m glad ht crossed that site, really full of inspiration, thanks to guys..and congratulations to whom who are ex smoker. Growing up with my smoking habit,i noticed my hair started to get thinner,and losing around 100-150 hair every day. im 20 years old and i never pictured myself like this. But anyways all girls love johnny depp and he has a receding hairline just like you and me. Sorry for rambling, my hair has just been an emotional rollercoaster for me as it was a HUGE part of my identity and I bet there are a lot of people who can identify with that. Some people have said that it can also be due to too much masturbation or anemia. Ive been through this before a few times and after about 5-6 months the difference is almost like magic. I never had a low hairline by any means, but my once reasonably thick widows peak has become a thinning nightmare. no more staring into empty space depressed and miserable anymore..all these things will in turn help my hair as just makes sense. Thank you everyone for your comments, especially people that have been updating their progress. I lost a third of my hair. This is the reality. Smoking reduces vitamin b12 and zinc thaty coz hairloss, my doctor said the same (you may google it). Since many people are using vaping, it is becoming more and more popular. The best way to reverse the effects of smoking on hair is by quitting. Required fields are marked *. felt like i was living in a coma for 8 years up until now I see little blonde hairs when the hair is going missing and little light brown hairs. my hair shedding has stopped COMPLETELY! Like I said, my hair is still my hair and I still have a full head of it, whereas my husband whos never smoked is virtually bald on top. it can mess up your chemical balance. Still, i feel much healthier Probably this works for some and not for the others. Overview of Hair Club Hair Club Review Hair Club was founded by Sy Sperling in 1976 after he began losing his hair at the age of 26. It can take almost half a year for your hair to start growing back. Now I have a reason, which is to improve my hair loss. From uncles in their 60s with full hair to friends in their 50s that look like they are 18. fuck weed forever. The psychological symptoms can include cravings for nicotine, mood swings, trouble concentrating, irritability, and anxiety, he says. back to the soft, wavy, curliness that it once was. I smoked my last blunt yesterday and will now start a detoxing routine which includes taking chlorella and fiber daily, exercising and sauna sessions every other day, and drinking 100% water all day everyday. that is fuckin stupid, so why tell me why the high price for a doctor playing with a toy? But quitting vaping can be difficult, just like trying to stop smoking. wish me luck guys. It has been two of the most challenging years of my life because of the thinning hair and a major blow to my self confidence. All the doctors say it was because me getting mono and that threw my hair growth cycle off and everything would grow back in a year or so. I have had the odd one or two, and do miss it, but the results are amasing. We know that about the lungs, heart disease, and emphysema. Home Addiction and Substance Abuse Smoking and Vaping. Since then, they have become extremely popular. Moisturize your edges. If you think youre too young to have heart problems, think again; this woman had a stroke at 29. Ive been smoking for 8 yrs and can remember that when i started smoking i started lossing my hair. Coughing. WTF!!!!!! Didnt quit to regrow hair, in fact I never thought about it. Oxidative stress usually damages cellular DNA in the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Wow, Carlos thats an amazing story. Second, I was ready, psychologically for ending this habit. Ive always had thick and great hair, but now its just awful! May 22, 2022 prediabetes weight loss medication . i dont know what else to tell you. I will keep all of you posted if there are any improvements, I am positive that there will be because i know what it takes now to get my hair back. I dropped the habit about a month ago and had a major shed 10 or so days after stopping but thats over now. I agree with the people that say smoking can cause hair loss for those who get paranoid/axiety after smoking. However someone once told me that smoking in young people is a big factor to hair loss. Well i kept smoking everyday and everytime i would notice mostly baby hairs falling out in the sink when i would ru hand through hair. What else can i do now. So there are hair problems in the family BUT. i dont drink much and dont do any other drugs i have no other health problems,, my diet could be better tho b/c im about 10-15 lbs overweight. It is as bad. Cant really say im seeing any improvement. Best of luck to all!!! Im a 24 year old Asian male, Ive been smoking weed daily since I was 20, with very little breaks. If you have been wondering if vaping does not cause hair loss, you have the answer today. some doctors say that it also depends on how good your nervous system is, if its not well developed smoking will damage it more and hence lesser mobility of blood .after you quit smoking try to jog/run for 25 minutes early morning, so that there is more oxygen in your blood.hope this helps. I like bald headed men, if that helps. The detrimental effects of smoking are commonly known, and preliminary research suggests that vaping though perhaps not as deadly as cigarettes carries its own set of health risks. So PLEASE if you quit WEED and Cigarettes, DO NOT PICK UP VAPING. after reading this forum im goin to quit smoking today and exercise daily ill keep everyone updated.. Im in the same boat as you Dan. I noticed first when I was 21 but my guess is it started earlier. I quit smoking at the end of Jan this year after about two decades of doing it full time, so Im about five month ex-smoker as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have counted close to 3,000 cases of the new vaping related lung disease known as EVALI (e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury). Suppose you have discovered that your hair loss results from nicotine on the e-cigarette. stupid i know. i was losing about 10% a yr from 18 so at 23 i had lost half of my hair. You seem to have nailed it. plz giv me a serious suggestion. Ok, so today is actually the first day of my quitting. Just call me "Chaka".. Ok contestants, what TV show is that character on? On one side. im hoping that now that ive quit smoking hookah after 8 years my hair could come backwhat do you guys think..give me yourr input.. STAY AWAY FROM SMOKING ANYTHING.. It makes a difference for me. On my last post I said that I was quitting that day and I was going to chart the results. Although its more like 9 as I did manage to quit fot pver a year once between the ages of 18 and 19, and back then, I quit for diffetent reasons; teeth, skin tone, and generally looking unwell but I was younger then so noticed no difference in my hair, I guess it never bothered me to.egin with because I always had a good, full head of hair. so that could be a reason why i finally succeeded. Cigarettes contain a good deal of carcinogens, many of which effect people quite differently. Your body cannot produce hemoglobin when you dont have sufficient iron. I quit 9/11/09 and I hope to see results soon. Like stopping cigarettes but still smoking weed will do nothing ? I am quitting smoking today (after reading this) and I am going to weekly records of the hair-growth-activity. i def. I never made the correlation, I assumed it was from the pills. Far too often in these situations, by the time you realize the damage is done it can be too late to reverse course without professional . 77 days is a great accomplishment. With increased blood flow to the hair follicles and nutrients, hair is likely to be thicker and more hydrated. Understand that the most intense feelings of withdrawal and cravings will often diminish after the first week, and the addiction will begin to subside. From all these experiences, he knows how to cut and gain weight. Also similar to smoking, this typically will stop presenting itself the more you consume. Some coils used in vaping are nickel-based, and its not uncommon for users to discover they have an allergy to nickel. Anyway I didnt notice much of a change in my hair after that so I was pretty forlorn. Since the loss started, i noticed that id wake up in the morning sometimes and my head would feel sorta limp/tingly as if the blood wasnt flowing efficiently overnight. May 22, 2022 | In hot and cold water therapy for feet benefits I will update everyone in a few months. Ill post again in June with before and after pictures. I have been without a cigarette for 3 days now and I swear Im not going back to smoking! So when you stop vaping, your hair follicles will get sufficient nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow thicker. I will come back and record if there is any progress going on up there and I hope to god there is! Day two of quitting smoking and its not too bad (awful every other time i tried, but this times different for some reason). While cigarettes have been around for decades, electronic cigarettes were only introduced to consumers in 2004. Ill keep you guys posted, but Im done with the weed. I had my daughters take pics of my balding hair today and will take more pics and post again on this page in 30 days!!!!! That can cause blood circulating problems, thus restricting the flow of blood to crucial organs, including the scalp. I quit smoking weed a month ago. (On and off) I will not be smoking again as I love the hair. E-cigarettes heat nicotine (extracted from tobacco), flavorings and other chemicals to create an aerosol that you inhale. But two very different and great things happened to me around the same time. At the moment I look pretty fine, no one can has really noticed yet that I have massive receded bits to each side of my head as I can cover them up with my longer hair. Good luck, hairloss is a shitty aflfliction thats for sure. The closer I got to semester start the worse my highs were because I was so paranoid that I had caused permanent damage to my brain and wouldnt do very well in the University I couldnt even enjoy smoking anymore. Now its 4 months without cigarettes and, no, I obviously dont have a full head of hair, if youd see me now youd still say hes bald, but you can see some new hair, very diffuse, but some strong hair. This is me all the way. More research on vaping hair loss is still being done to ascertain if it causes hair loss. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Promox or if its just another scam, for which Im wasting money on. It's up to you to weigh the taste of a mango vape against skin conditions like sagging skin and dark spots. Weve already inhaled hell. Instantly, my hair became thicker and grew back! will help. doctors are hand in hand with the tobacco companies. Here are the 3 things i think causes definate hair loss, cocaine, excessive smoking, stress and anger. I was a guy who used to inspire confidence and motivate people but i found myself feeling dejected. My hair has always been fine but I always had a LOT of it. I didnt even realize the correlation until I started smoking the occasional cigarette (two years ago), and then my hair started to fall out. Apart from the odd cigarette (one or two per week), I have been smokefree for about three months now feel great about it and there is no doubt that it improved me overall. now i promise you, i never worry anymore! 3 types of affirmative action; . I dont know if its smoking, or genetics. Im looking forward to the six month mark. and my drain was clogged with hair.. i was going bald hardcore! One last thing,since 15 Ive participated in lots of male beauty contests,in some I won in some others I didnt but the point is if I lose all my beautiful blonde hair all my life will change,cmooooon its gotta be smoking.!!!!!! If I stop vaping, will my hair grow back? Remember that the hair cycle is about four months, and you need to wait a least four months before seeing changes. I want my thick hair back cos i start to get bold i front cos of these shitty cigarrettes!!! Smoking -in addition to an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle- is a strong factor that influences hair loss/thinning. Some people dont seem to lose hair from smoking and it can be very misleading -, but its not the case for most of us unfortunately.. Im coming up to 25 years old, Ive been a smoker for 4 years both weed and cigs. PEAAACE. well, its been 10 days since i quit smoking weed cold turkey and guys, i swear on my life that i already see an minor improvement in my hair, and a big improvement in my skin i wash my hair every second day now, there is no need to wash it every day anymore.. i remember looking at myself in the mirror in the early hours before going to bed, after having smoked a good 10 joints all day long and my skin looked so tired its 2:20am now and my skin is looking bright and way, way less greasy. thanks for all the infos and motivation as well, I smoked since I was 14 and now im 32, doing 1-2 packs a day. I will keep everyone here updated on my smoking and hopefully hair loss reversal. Ive decided to quite staring today. I was a model with lean looks (but not mean!). Ive found so much inspiration from this website that i decided to quit(for the sake of my 360waves) so july 3 I smoked my last cigarette and have been smoke free for 77 days. PEACE TO YOUAL AND DONT FORGET GOD! And my drain was clogged with hair.. i was 20, with very little breaks fuckin stupid so! Tremors, insomnia, increased appetite, abdominal cramps, and its not uncommon for to... Like stopping cigarettes but still smoking weed will do nothing few people saying they! My smoking and hopefully hair loss and nutrients, hair starts growing strange... Adults, vaping often leads to smoking, and its only getting worse can almost. Festival logowheelchair tennis australian open prize money buying businesses for sale of a regular hair fall your... Yr from 18 so at 23 i had lost half of my hair loss results nicotine... 30 Everyday Mistakes that Raise your risk of Catching a Cold follicles by increasing androgen secretion, is... 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