For sure. Nuff said. A second person story. who ever hates clopfics or flutterdash don't read, Flutter dash. Chat! Only when someone's life is in danger or to maintain order, the Stare is used. "Oh, Fluttershy dear, it's. Well, see for yourself." Rarity pulled out from her saddlebags a rolled up newspaper. Applejack is now the fancy Sparkling Cider, Rarity's the hard working Ivory, and Fluttershy has become the animal impersonator, Cottontail. . She definitely didn't expect to fall in love with him. Rainbow Dash flew in to defend her and challenged the bullies to a race. From season five onward, however, Fluttershy shows considerably less hesitation and timidness when taking action in dangerous situations. Most of the time, Fluttershy can withstand almost anything that will make other ponies explode in anger. Fluttershy has a lot of fears to overcome, but one day her strength of character and enormous heart will make her a force to be reckoned with. Fight me. Her animals' motivation causes her to engage in a period of training and exercise, but her second attempt only puts her at 2.3, further diminishing her hopes for improvement. Fluttershy's special talent is communicating with animals, whichsheuses in order to provide them with food, medical attentionand other forms of care when they need it. The "Stare" in action. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. You can also check out the Fluttershy feed at! What she wears when she wants to add a 'Gila Monster & Jackalopes' section to the animal sanctuary. Her cutie mark is also on a pin on Sunny's satchel. The pink hair beauty was amazed by how wonderful it must be to a bird. Thank you Twilight. I did that tail-do when I was 8! AU Labyrinth One shot. She comes across a new species in Bats! Fluttershyappears to possess only average physical strength at best, as she barely carries Twilight Sparkle a short distance in Friendship is Magic, part 2, even with Rainbow Dash's help. It isn't ours to speculate on Fluttershy's future, but a life of caring critters and charming chaos seem likely. Hi this is my first story but I hope u like it 121 Stories. Licenses, Support us She whizzes past Rainbow Dash in The Mysterious Mare Do Wellwhile dressed in a Mare Do Well costume, catching her by surprise. mlpfanfiction mlp mlpfanfic mlpfim mylittlepony rainbowdash pinkiepie rarity fluttershy applejack fanfiction mlpoc twilightsparkle soarindash mylittleponyfriendshipismagic ponies clippercrash pony scootaloo equestriagirls. She was never used to stallions ever inviting her out, so this new chapter in her life was all dreadfully new. She's probably the most in tune with creatures of the forest of all the ponies she calls her friends. In the episode Bridle Gossip, Fluttershy, as well as her friends, is affected by poison joke while chasing Zecora through the Everfree Forest, giving her a deep, masculine voice. The main six, Ditzy, and Miss. She later becomes the group's part-time fifth member. As shown in She Talks to Angel, Fluttershy's Stare still works after she switches bodies with Angel. The magic of friendship continues to grow as (Y/N) and the Mane 6 must take on a brand new task now that they see themselves as Equestria's biggest heroes. Well, apparently, being married to an all mighty being, puts you on the map. But Rarity has always risen to the challenge. She dislikes a revised dress Rarity made her at first. It could be because of her kindness, or the way she takes care of and can talk with all the animals. Sort by: Hot. In Issue #97, Fluttershy learns more about the situation while also diffusing arguments between Trixie and Discord. She always defends those who are treated unfairly. - vampire fruit bats - and admits that it might take her a while to learn their language. Mature. Apparently it's so bad, Fluttershy feels the need to keep a bucket of water around their home, so he doesn't burn it down through fury. For example, if a pony purposely cuts Fluttershy in line, she apologizes, saying that the pony can go first. His prisoner. After following a baby griffon into a dangerous situation, Fluttershy finds herself rescued by a kind-hearted dragon and ends up befriending him. In Filli Vanilli, she sings for her animal friends during Music in the Treetops and, as Flutterguy from the public eye, in Big McIntosh's place as the "fourth member" of the Pony Tones. In A Health of Information, a sickened Fluttershy attempts to use the Stare on a swarm of flash bees, but it is unsuccessful. She is very shy, but if you make her cross, she'll give you her stern stare. Chapter 2 - Information. Like any animal lover, Fluttershy has several animals that live with her or near her, though she never considers any of them as her "pets." PLEASE NOTE: Any use of the visuals or audio is not allowed without permission. In Filli Vanilli, when she sings for Big McIntosh in the Pony Tones, she accepts request after request for the Pony Tones to sing so she doesn't disappoint anyone. 425304I wish you luck, that could take a while, unless you plan on hiring someone. Much of Fimfiction's functionality requires javascript so we suggest you turn it on. I hope you are having a wonderful day full of inspiration. Afraid to be in the same room as Gilda during Pinkie Pie's party, Fluttershy attempts to voice her discomfort to Pinkie, who obliviously waves off her distress. Princess Celestia also asks Fluttershy and her songbird choir to provide the music for the wedding in A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1. Not only does she love all animals equally -- she's BEEN most of them, too! Without the Princess' knowledge or permission, she takes the bird back to her cottage to try to help Philomena recuperate. Fanfiction Romance Discord Fluttershy Fluttercord M Heart Throne Fluttercord. In the episode It Ain't Easy Being Breezies, Fluttershy knows much about Breezies, such as their migratory patterns and native language (she speaks several words of it near the end of the episode). Until she met Rainbow Dash, the outgoing athletic girl who changed Fluttershy. Fluttershy was happily trotting along a lane on the way to Sugarcube Corner when a horrible laugh like nails on a chalkboard ( make that a rusty nail) rang ot in the street. Fluttershy later fails to cross a chasm using her wings even after her anxiety had faded slightly. Rain-Bow-Dash, I can't stop letting her name roll off my tongue. Fluttershy appears on the My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #1 cover RI. Twilight then forcibly brings Fluttershy out to give Princess Luna a lesson in how to speak softly, with the Princess' "Royal Canterlot Voice" terrifying her. After Celestia relates a story about the sisters being attacked by a kraken as foals, Fluttershy suggests that the kraken may not have been the monster Celestia thinks it was, based on her own knowledge of them - a belief that is later proven correct. Thank you. Umexcuse memaymay we board your ship and steal all of your treasure, please? After that, she and her friends are cured by Zecora by taking an herbal bubble bath. Das hier ist eine Drabblesammlung von sechs voneinander unabhngigen Drabbles. Dark Changeling Fluttershy: She also formulates a plan to draw the king's forces away from a mysterious door so Capper can open it, which Meowmeow planned all along. Fluttershy is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital's apps Fluttershy's Famous Stare[1] and Power Ponies. A pony who had After living in Equestria with his friends for a long period of time, (Y/N) has finally gained feelings for all of the six Elements of Harmony. Heh, what's up with that?". And other ponies. She already speaks Breezie--so she'll have even less trouble fitting in! This made me giggle. She's, like, totally cool with animals. I'm conducting research for my college class on fandom vocabulary and identity with the goal of getting my research published.The survey will remain anonymous. A FlutterDash SMUT Fanfic. or that's what they thought till a cyan little filly comes to town. #discord #eqestria #fluttershy #foals #mylittlepony Perhaps you have an empty hole in your heart that needs to be filled pronto. "Fluttershy's freaky knowledge of sewing!". In Flutter Brutter, she demonstrates constant, often snarky assertiveness toward her slacker younger brother Zephyr Breeze. The Younger Sister (Genderbend! The cottage's roof is covered in grass and bushes and is filled with runways, holes and perches for animals such as birds, mice, etc. Upon entering the kitchen she saw a smallish brown and white dog lying on a rug by the hearth. An expected benefit of it is understanding fandoms and their vocabularies. After the crisis is resolved, Fluttershy asks Discord where he was during the situation. You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. She becomes overprotective of her animal friends and the forest, perceiving any who intrude upon them as a threat. Hello everyone! Or perhaps the trauma from losing her and seeing her body be taken away by paramedics still lingered on inside you. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy There's room for you all here. Its almost time for graduation for the Mane 6!! Fluttershy never expected to find a long forgotten Chaos God living within the Everfree Forest. Enjoy ig! Sweet and caring, she makes plenty of space in her tucked-away cottage for helping anyone in need of her love and care, especially her little animal friends. Upon returning to normal, a horrified Fluttershy initially believes her corrupted state to be a horrible dream. This is an anthro ponies story and contains impossibly large breasts, breast expansion, pregnant mares, and lots and lots of milk! Spoke Fluttershy's mind. In My Little Pony Annual 2017, an illusion of an injured Fluttershy appears as part of a magical test undergone by Shining Armor; upon his refusal to leave her, she is replaced by a magical recording of Princess Amore who congratulates Shining Armor on his compassion. "That's not FluttershyThat's Flutterbat!". This story is a sequel to Magic School Days. Each one is looking forward to taking the next step into the future. expect Fluttershy!! On the back of the Crystal Empire variant of Design-A-Pony Fluttershy toy packaging, Fluttershy's name appears as "FLUTTERSHYy"[sic],[12] with a registered trademark symbol in the monolingual version.[13]. The original Vampire Pony, Fluttershy has since mastered the bestial instincts she feels in this form. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she is the only one of the Mane Six who believes Discord can be redeemed. It proves to be ineffective against him, though he briefly feigns being affected by it to mock her, even pretending to strangle himself. Fluttershy and the rest of the Mane Six have a falling-out with Twilight over her actions, but theyalong with other friends they made during their journeyreturn to Canterlot to rescue her when she gets captured by Tempest. After Fluttershy accepted Discord's invitation, the first she did when alone was panic and visit every friend of hers for advice. Fluttershy discovering her talent of communicating with animals on a different level. However, even a shy Pegasus like Fluttershy has her own limits. Rarity's tenderness is her guide to a new beginning. Whatever the case may be, your friends will be there to help you out and there'll be a piece of advice that will be prominent as the days go on: Let's just live, day by day, and not be conquered by our sorrows. She also catches up to a weighed down Rainbow Dash whilepulling two ponies and the Twinkling Balloon in The Return of Harmony Part 2. Completed girlxgirl mylittleponyfriendshipismagic mylittlepony +7 more # 14 It wasn't always like this by Rocket Boy 9.4K 227 9 My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. By the way, group person, that gif is adorable. At the risk of a financial crisis, and at the brink of losing Sweet Apple Acres, Applebloom finds a clue to a hidden treasure, and sets off on an adventure with her friends and family, through caves, booby traps, and danger, inspired by Steven Spielberg's 1985 film 'The Goonies', (Rated T for slight . [5] Fluttershy's initial design, published online by Faust, refers to her as "Posey" as well. For this character's human counterpart, see Fluttershy (EG). She poured a generous amount of food for all three of her friends. 430227Definitely Fluttershy, kittens are so overrated. She's rather shy and loves to sing with animal friends. With an enormous heart and the ability to fly, this Pegasus pony is a gentle soul who always rises to the occasion and is always there when her friends need her! mlp mylittlepony rainbowdash applejack fluttershy rarity pinkiepie twilightsparkle equestriagirls mlpeg mlpfim appledash mylittleponyfriendshipismagic sunsetshimmer mlpfanfic mane6 twilight flutterdash . As Fluttershy and her friends spend time with the lonely dragon, the more he learns about friendship and the more he reveals about his tragic past. When she asserts her intentions to the rest of the Mane Six, Pinkie Pie jokingly calls her "Flutterbold". Sweet, soft-spoken, and often fearful, her pony friends treasure her kindness, but have to work hard to help her come out of her shell. After King Meowmeow locks them up, the group is broken out of prison by Capper's old friends and taken to safety in the tunnels beneath the city. Work Search: She gets angry at Applejack several times in Sounds of Silence, as a result of Applejack not listening to her when she has something important to say. Retro Fluttershy: It culminates in Fluttershy pushing past Rainbow Dash and jumping out the window, fleeing the scene before any of them could follow her. However, after a few performances, she gets too into her new role and blows her own cover in public; the reaction overwhelms Fluttershy and pushes her into hiding, and she takes an herbal bath to return her voice to normal. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #94, Fluttershy travels to Canterlot to help with the preparations for the next Festival of the Two Sisters, encouraging Discord to assist without relying on his magic. When a group of Breezies find themselves in Fluttershy's care, they form an attachment to her and don't want to leave her side. !Mlp x CreepyEmoji s. by Dirtyemoji 31 1 1 When Discord leaves Fluttershy home alone for a weekend, he's just being overprotective of her when he's contently worried about her, right? Should I announce my stories as well? Fluttershy sheepishly pulls herself out of her rescuer's grasp and hovers in mid-air, to Cloud Chaser's annoyance. When push comes to shove, she'll always stand up for her friends![9]. However, when flying with her fellow Pegasi, she exerts herself enough to help them achieve the missing 5 wing power necessary to create the hurricane that would carry the water to Cloudsdale. This is reflected in a great amount of fanfics written about her. The guidebook The Art of Equestria reveals some of the other names Lauren Faust considered giving her, including "Summer Azure (Summer for short)", "Spring Blossoms", "Petalwing" and "Meadowbrook";[6] the last of these four is the same as that of a G3 Earth pony andafter Faust's departure from the showwas eventually given to Mage Meadowbrook, who shares Fluttershy's eye shape. She surgically implants them into living ponies and lets them get eaten from the inside out alive. Fluttershy is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. When Rarity sees her, she dubs her "Flutterbat". She gains fangs, bat wings, red eyes and bat-like ears, and her cutie mark changes into three pink bats. (Rewriting this, so this book is discontinued. Fluttershy states in Dragonshy that dragons scare her, though she explains the exception of Spike on account of him not being grown-up. While she lacks confidence, she has an inner strength that comes out when others are in trouble. Fluttershy is generous and sweet, sometimes a little too trusting and always eager to help. T suplicaste por mi ayuda, la cual estoy dispuesto a dar si me demuestras que eres digno de ella El Rey del laberinto sonri altivamente. However, she changes her ways by the end of the episode. A lot could go wrong in this, but at least they have eachother Mostly RariJack, but a Fluttershy moves to Ponyville with her parents after Rainbow Dash hangs out with her worst nightmare, Gilda. Fluttershy had got ontop of Sombra and started to moan as she slowly inserted Sombra's cock inside her. Flutterbat easily outmaneuvers the rest of her friends in the air, while at the same time sucking the juice out of apples and spitting out their seeds. Six new ponies. Nothing much! They then return to Ponyville with their new friends. However, at the end of the episode, Fluttershy retains a small fang. She lives in a small cottage near the Everfree Forest and takes care of animals, the most prominent of her charges being Angel the bunny. She's faced her fears and grown a whole bunch, and she continues to build her self-confidence! Fluttershy uses the Stare on a changeling in chapter 14 of Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E., "The Saddle Hawkins Square Dance". On heartwarming eve was promised a new born foal to fluttershy and her husband discord, but when there new born colt was born he look a lot like his father then his mother, ponies feared he would turn out evil just like his father but what they do. When Twilight Sparkle sets out to reverse Discord's effect on her friends using a "memory spell", Twilight and Applejack are forced to hogtie her and pin her to the floor, with Applejack standing on her tail to prevent her from flying away. Wow. This is a book of (duh!) In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Fluttershy accompanies Twilight to her first princess summit in the Crystal Empire, and she witnesses Sunset Shimmer steal Twilight's crown. You can look forward to a nice quiet and relatively uneventful experience. Despite her typically shy behavior, Fluttershy occasionally demonstrates more assertiveness and confidence. What could go wrong? Among these are a hummingbird named Hummingway, an orange bird named Constance, a pair of otters, a chicken named Elizabeak, a mouse called Mr Mousey, a spider named Fuzzy Legs, and a bear named Harry. Which is cuter - Fluttershy or kittens? Future Fluttershy: In addition, a host of animals have taken up residence in her home, which she attends to and looks after on an everyday basis. In Issue #2, she appears in flashback, with Discord revealing that she and her friends created the Unity Crystals in order to ensure peace in Equestria. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 :( Little did you know, you've been set up on a blind date. Fluttershy is definitely a little bit meek, but she can be fierce when she needs to be. [8], It's widely known that Fluttershy is kind to every creature in Equestria, no matter how big or small. Fluttershy is anaverage flier under normal circumstancesbutis incapable of flight in moments of fear or stress. Fluttershy sets out for a day with her old friend Rarity before her feelings become complicated. Rarity is a new student, who makes AppleJack go from annoyed to nervous quickly. A short fanmade romance story between Fluttershy and Discord. Flutterbat: Prior to using the Stare itself, she tells the bats that she hopes they can forgive her for doing so. She's acting very peculiar. Discord She's been there for less than a week and Fluttershy is a sensitive and shy girl who just moved into the city a joined Crystal prep, during a competition between crystal prep and it's rival school Canterlot Hig RainbowDash. She's lived by herself for years before the two married and besides the girls are going to be there for a night, so what's to worry. Fluttershy is hands-down best pony. These words are therefore fighting your thougt process. After sneaking into the city and fighting past the Storm King's forces during which she reduces a Storm Guard to tears by talking to him about his tension, the Mane Six reunite and make amends, and they eventually succeed in defeating the Storm King. Ongoing. In Ponies of Dark Water, Fluttershy turns evil after being exposed to a mysterious hot spring. 907,111 hits today, 2,411,165 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction She really is amazing with her tail and she has a lot of fun with it. In the end, Fluttershy finds the courage to speak to the dragon when it begins harassing her friends, going so far as to raise her voice in anger and stand on its nose to look it in the eye as she lectures it. One day, A Laboratory exploded, everybody thought no one survived, however only One Person remained. When the city is invaded by the Storm King's forces, led by Tempest Shadow, Fluttershy and her friends escape to seek out the "Queen of the Hippos"later specified to be Queen Novo of the Hippogriffsfor help. Princess Celestia is older than Princess Luna. After 17 years of living on Earth, (Y/N) is sent to Equestria as an Alicorn pony and he along with the Mane 6 must overcome various adventures and lessons of friendship Y/N L/N is simply a fun-loving, optimistic, and comedic student who just moved into a city called Canterlot and transferred schools from Manehatten with his parents. Lauren Faust was inspired to create Fluttershy by . "-Twilight sparkle. Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, Brittany's Voice Roles - Brittany Lauda - Voice Actress, TV , Jayson Thiessen at the 2012 New York Comic Con My Little Pony panel. . It seemed like a coincidence that Prism Wing invited you for lunch the day after and then you instead meet the creator of the stuffed animal. Will Fluttershy join the ShadowBolts or not? She was taller and ganglier than most other foals, similarly to Plaid Stripes, "Pearly Whites", "Thunderstruck", later filly Pear Butter, later filly Applejack, later filly Derpy, and Crystal Hoof, and had slightly larger wings. In Viva Las Pegasus, she teasingly urges Applejack to put aside her grudge with Flim and Flam to solve their friendship problem. Fluttershy has a lot of fears to overcome, but certainly one day her strength of character and enormous heart will make her a force to be reckoned with! In Feeling Pinkie Keen, she does not fly in order to escape the hydra, though she flaps her wings while running and jumping. Despite the extreme content, I think you'll find it to be very cuddly and affectionate. 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