Damage from a thrown rock is 2d6 plus 1-1/2 times the throwing creatures Strength bonus. Check out our other SRD sites! The following rules allow GMs, or even players with GM oversight, to create new races that are balanced and mesh with the core races. Benefit: Members of this race take no penalty from energy-draining effects, though a member of this race can still be killed if it accrues more negative levels than it has Hit Dice. Prerequisites: Some racial traits have prerequisites. Prerequisites: Race is native to the underground. Benefit: Members of this race gain a burrow speed of 20 feet. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify a spell being cast and a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against arcane spellcasters. Up to two members of this race can share the same square at the same time. Human: Ambitious, sometimes heroic, and always confident, humans have an ability to work together toward common goals that makes them a force to be reckoned with. Half-Undead (5 RP) Half-undead races are strange or unholy fusions of the living and the undead. Benefit: Members of this race gain cold resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5. Magically altered terrain affects them normally. Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level. Pathfinder 1e has Undead Templates, and 2e has a small source book on Playing Undead, but for the most part this is not going to be your standard game. If subjected to a strong wind or any other effect that causes a creature with gliding wings to rise, it can take advantage of the updraft to increase the distance it can glide. Benefit: Members of this race can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Undead are once-living creatures brought to a horrifying state of undeath through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse. | 5th Edition SRD These are the core, playable Pathfinder 2e races: Dwarf Elf Goblin Gnome Half Elf Half Orc Halfling Human Naturally, for a TTRPG as beloved, mature, and expansive as Pathfinder 2e, there are a lot of other playable races besides those core eight Ancestries - 45 of them, by our reckoning. Weakness: Members of this race are powerless in natural sunlight (this does not include light created by effects such as a daylight spell). Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and a +2 racial bonus on dispel checks. The following traits augment their vision or otherwise enhance their senses. Constructs cannot be raised or resurrected. Constructs are hard to destroy, and gain bonus, Constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This is the races creature type. After all, most people know the basics: dwarves are short, elves live a long time, and gnomes are dangerously curious. Special: This can be increased to DR 10/magic for an additional 2 RP. Prerequisites: Humanoid with two subtypes or race with half-construct or half-undead subtype. If this is the case, the cost of that racial trait is already paid for when you buy the type quality, and this trait does not count toward the maximum when you buy racial traits from the corresponding racial trait category. This is a secondary attack. Benefit: Choose a ranger favored terrain type. Perhaps a player wants to play a monstrous race, or has been inspired by some piece of fiction or flight of creative fancy and wants to create a race for a new character concept not yet seen in Pathfinder. Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level against spells and spell-like abilities with the [evil] descriptor, as well as any spells and spell-like abilities cast by evil outsiders. A creature hit by this attack cannot move more than 10 feet away from the attacker and takes a 2 penalty to AC as long as the tongue is attached (this penalty does not stack if multiple tongues are attached). Special: This trait can be taken up to two times. Each time it is taken, select another energy type that corresponds to another elemental plane the race has ties to. Benefit: Pick one of the following energy types that corresponds to the plane the race has ties to: acid (earth), cold (water), electricity (air), or fire (fire). Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Strength. Furthermore, choose up to seven languages (except for Druidic or other secret languages). Spoiler. Races without a racial language cannot take this array. In addition, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons and can make such checks untrained. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks, can always take 10 while swimming, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language. The following racial traits add to the base ability score modifiers chosen in the ability score modifier quality. Members of this race only gain this bonus against creatures that use spells, not against those that only use spell-like abilities. Benefit: Members of this race gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice. Members of this race can use this spell as an at-will spell-like ability. for an additional 2 RP. The changes are as follows, corresponding to the five standard methods. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Subtypes are often important to qualify for other racial abilities and feats. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws. The next step is to pick the base speed quality for your race. This trait doubles the normal +8 racial bonus on Climb checks normally granted to creatures with a climb speed (to a total +16 bonus). The following racial traits apply weaknesses to members of the race. At the end of its next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, it immediately falls unconscious and begins to die. Members of this race start with Common plus their racial language (if any). | Cairn SRD With the exception of the human heritage modifier quality, when you choose a races ability score modifiers, you are choosing what ability scores are modified for every member of that race. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Aberrations have bizarre anatomies, strange abilities, alien mindsets, or any combination of the three. What kinds of relationships does your race have with other races? Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to the Plane of Earth or fey type. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! | 2d20SRD Benefit: Members of this race can see in the dark up to 120 feet. In addition, enemies on higher ground gain no attack roll bonus against members of this race. Unliving: A forsaken is treated as both an undead creature and a humanoid for the purpose of spells and effects. Prerequisites: The race has at least a +2 racial bonus to Constitution. A. | Five Torches Deep SRD Prerequisites: Any type except humanoid, Large size, normal speed. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against such spells. Members of this race can use this spell as a spell-like ability once per day. Competitors? Members of this race deal 1d6 points of energy damage of the selected type whenever they strike a foe with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or melee weapon. Each of these includes much of the flavor of the types they are related to, but grants fewer abilities and immunities. Benefit: Members of this race are always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump. A member of this race can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. Prerequisites: The race has at least a +2 racial bonus to Dexterity. Half-constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. Each time, pick a different natural attack. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) For groups with mixed power levels, average the RP and round the result to the nearest multiple of 10. Elf: Tall, noble, and often haughty, elves are long-lived and subtle masters of the wilderness. The DC for the spells is equal to 10 + the spells level + the casters Charisma modifier. A Medium creature has a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet. Such races may be as simple as elves who dwell in an arctic climate or as complex as clockwork giants from another plane of existence. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities. Weakness: Pick one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 natural armor bonus. They're typically mindless creatures, lacking many of the abilities that make other undead a serious threat. Benefit: Members of this race gain +1 to the DC of any saving throws against necromancy spells that they cast. Home > Races > 3rd Party Races Subpages Adamant Entertainment Alluria Publishing Amora Game Beyond the Horizon d20pfsrd.com Publishing Dreamscarred Press Fat Goblin Games Frog God Games GUNGNIR Gamedev Jon Brazer Enterprises Kobold Press Legendary Games The first difference is that each race type assumes members of the race are roughly humanoid in shape and have two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head. Other Resources: This product is also available on the following . Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. What does your race look like? You can choose from duskwalker feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. Special: This trait can be taken more than once. Benefit: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: Creatures within 30 feet of a member of this race that meet its gaze must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + the 1/2 users character level + the users Charisma modifier) or stand paralyzed in fear for 1 round. Tiny races gain a +2 size bonus to their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a 2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks. If your race is native to the underground, you can replace Common with Undercommon. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence. Benefits: Pick a single skill. Prerequisites: Monstrous humanoid type, reptilian subtype, or undead type. Answering these questions can aid you in making reasonable choices about the qualities and traits of your race so that it can better fit in the game worldrather than just being a collection of seemingly random options. Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to an elemental plane. A target that successfully saves cannot be affected by the users frightful gaze for 24 hours. You cannot pick a type with an RP cost equal to or higher than the maximum RP cost of the power level of the race you are building. Benefit: When a member of this race hits with its slapping tail, it can make a trip attack as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Benefit: Members of this race gain a natural bite attack, dealing damage equivalent to that of a creature two size categories lower than normal for their size (1d2 for Small races, 1d3 for Medium, etc.). | GumshoeSRD Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and on saving throws against the extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of dragons. Benefit: Members of this race have a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability. Benefit: Whenever a member of this race has concealment or total concealment, the miss chance of attacks against her increases by 5%. Benefit: Members of this race increase their resistance to one energy type to 10. | 13th Age SRD Race is an important part of what makes characters who they are, yet it's often all too easy to gloss over the details. Pathfinder 2 Setting: Custom 3 Player count: 3-5 4 Gaming medium: Play by post in these forums . Half-orcs are ugly. Most races are Medium or Small, which have no prerequisites, but you can also elect to make your race either Large or Tiny with the following modifications at the listed point cost. 305. Sometimes a races type, subtypes, or planar ties serve as prerequisites for some racial traits. Benefit: Members of this race can sense vibrations in water, granting them blindsense 30 feet against creatures that are touching the same body of water. A member of this race can only have one creature attached to its tongue at a time. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school. | Dungeon World SRD This trait does not give members of this race early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers they could already use without this trait. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking. Modifiers: : Members of this race take a 4 penalty to one of those ability scores, a 2 penalty to another of those ability scores, and a +2 bonus to the other ability score. This trait does not give members of this race early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers that they could already use without this trait. Standard races can only take standard racial traits, while advanced races can take both standard and advanced racial traits, and monstrous races can take standard, advanced, and monstrous racial traits. For instance, you must have the ratfolk subtype to take the rodent empathy racial trait, and you must have ties to Abaddon, the Abyss, or Hell in order to take the fiendish sorcery racial trait. | Into The Unknown Benefit: Members of this race are trained from birth in swordplay, and as a result are automatically proficient with swordlike weapons (including bastard swords, daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers, scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords). Benefit: Members of this race have wings that do not provide the lift required for actual flight, but do have enough power to aid flight attained by some other method, and grant a +4 racial bonus on Fly checks. | Fudge SRD These strange fey creatures have a symbiotic relationship with an ivy-like plant that serves as their wings. Benefit: Using nonvisual senses such as acute smell or hearing, members of this race notice things they cannot see. Once per day, as a standard action, members of this race can make a supernatural breath weapon attack that deals 1d6 points of the damage type chosen in the area chosen. While the template only says up front that it can be applied to "any non-aquatic living creature" (which would include elementals except aquatic ones), the Create Spawn ability of the Floodslain template says: Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to the Plane of Air or fey type. The tools in this section enable you to be undead as a player character Playable Undead Options Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus to the saving throw DCs of spells of the divination school and spells that produce sleep effects that they cast. By exploring the cultures and traditions of a characters race, we can better understand where she comes from and what makes her tick, thus immersing ourselves that much deeper in the campaign world. Elf: Tall, noble, and gnomes are dangerously curious relationship with an ivy-like that. 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