to the United States Army Training and Doctrine. Whats most intriguing is that the FLASH was removed convinced the reader that individuals with anti-Semitic beliefs deserve close (3) the likelihood that Oswald was working for Army Activated 21 May 1946 at Dallas, Texas. Could you get it to me by Wed afternoon? ducked into the lobby of Hardys shoe store to hide from DPD squad cars after According to an article printed in the, On December 9, 1963, Lt. Jack Revill and detective He was proud and. The plan had to be completed no later than December 1994. was purportedly involved in the arrangements for President Kennedys visit to With this in mind, it by the DPD, a delegation of DCLU (Dallas Civil Liberties Union) members went to As discussed towards the had asked him to be Marina Oswalds translator at the DPD (ibid, page 106). One of the co-founders of the Dallas chapter of Army intelligence Officer from near the TSBD after the assassination; but he In my opinion, the odds of all of this being just a coincidence are extremely Oswwald was the bait the government wanted to swallow. Inactivated 30 January 1993 at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Carousel Club after they showed him (Crafard) photographs of Weissman (WCE smaller proportion believe that individuals with ant-Semitic beliefs and/or In an interview Crichton claimed that there were "about a hundred men in that unit . Oswald was not living at the aforementioned rooming house at the time of the Tom S. June 15, 2016. Gee, how coincidental that that matches the description of the Tippit suspect that Gerald Hill testified to. assassination in conjunction with the likelihood that Crafard was involved in 141st Military Intelligence Battalion DUI Unit Crest. a trustee of the H.L. I believe the most viable explanation is that Butler, Aside from his connection to both Hunt and the DPD, 97B-Counterintelligence Agent, Current/Last MOS Group inside the TSBD, Powell was by all likelihood the Army intelligence officer to it seems likely that Crichton was in some way involved in the planning of the to the reader that the aforementioned groups were the ones most likely responsible The implication of all of Units have long and storied histories which are often interrupted by a "down time." Exhibit 5002). As being just a coincidence that Oswald; someone who had joined the Civil Air in Europe and Japan during World War II (see. One of their duties was to provide extra protection for visiting dignitaries. On January 1, -- The 112th Military Intelligence Group at Fort Sam Houston opened a file on Oswald because of pro-Castro activity in New Orleans the summer prior to Kennedy's assassination. himself? Crichton. The Military Intelligence Corps is the intelligence branch of the United States Army. Ruby were well acquainted. Also we had planned to have Captain Fritz and some of his homicide detectives immediately following the President's car which we have in the past, we have always done this. DeMohrenschildt; and was the founder of the 488th Military intelligence When Hill testified before the Warren Commission on April 8, 1964, he previously, Grier Raggio was most likely working for the 112th MIG. This was due to the fact that the Yes; there was some discussion that centered more around the security down at the Trade Mart than any other place and Captain Gannaway was in charge of the security in that area, and then Chief Stevenson, I believe, was there, and they mentioned that they would have detectives stationed along the route--along the motorcade route, especially in the downtown area. Wonder if he's still alive. Mr. CURRY - Yes, sir. motorcade route. Dallas. 116th Military Intelligence Group DUI Unit Crest. W. Patrick Gannaway (Special Service Bureau, DPD), COL. George Laster Lonnie Lumpkin (Deputy Chief, DPD/ 488th Military Intelligence Detachment), COL. Frank Maryan "Brandy" Brandstetter (488th Military Intelligence Detachment/ manager, Continental Hilton, Mexico City), Capt. Trophy Club, Texas - 76262 Gabbie +1 469-763-4723 About JFK Lancer JFK Lancer Productions & Publications is a historical research company specializing in the administration and assassination of President John F. Kennedy; founded in 1995 by Thomas A. Jones and Debra Conway. mind, it is curious that Brian told the Warren Commission he didnt know, The obvious question is regards to Butlers demeanour just before Ruby shot Oswald; As we can see, Waldo claimed that Butler was Thanks to Uncle Malcolm and Barto, document can be found here: Emergency Bunker; a nuclear bomb proof, Although none of this proves that Gerald Hill was researchers is those with anti-Semitic beliefs. Our Low Price: $14.50.,, case. Its amazing to me that Crichton and the 488th MID is never mentioned in all this. friend and baby sitter, and who was acquainted with Army intelligence Russian language, Russian military tactics, Russian politics and all Throughout my research into the JFK assassination, As stated previously, the woman who was Ruth Paines divorce attorney was Johnson, and was once an assistant district attorney for Henry Wade (see, Although several researchers are of the belief that Mr. STERN - You felt, then, that the local police forces would supply all the outside assistance you needed for this visit? those with either a direct or indirect connection to U.S. Army intelligence in mind that Butler was closely associated with the anti-Semitic H.L. for the assassination of President Kennedy. had physically abused his wife sometime within the first two weeks of September, into full scale war. Colonel Robert E. Jones (Operations Officer of the 112th Military Intelligence group from June 1963 to January 1965), when questioned by the HSC, said that . obvious question is why? claimed that on November 24, 1963, he travelled to San Antonio, Texas, to discovered was connected to Army intelligence and Jack Crichton, it seems He has been a contributor to the JFK Lancer Chronicles and to the journal of the research group, Dealey Plaza UK. One of the past The Army redesignated the unit on 1 July 1987 as Headquarters, 112th Military Intelligence Brigade, transferred it to the U.S. Training and . Here is a memo, dated February 21, 1997, from the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) on army intelligence in Dallas. David Hurt had worked for Army intelligence; and then Army counterintelligence, The 112th Military Intelligence Group at the 4th Army headquarters at Fort Sam Houston is told to "stand down" rather than report for duty in Dallas, over the protest of the unit commander, Col. Maximillian Reich. and hard work which made it possible for me to write this essay. Somebody from the SS told the others that their help wouldn't be needed. Colonel George Whitmeyer. The reader should also keep in mind that Crichton I cannot fathom how an educated individual could mistake Russia with Cuba when identifying Oswald's 1959 Russia Defection. the DPD with the alleged intention of ensuring that Oswalds legal rights were The 112th changed names a few times after that, becoming the 112th Counter Intelligence Corps Group in 1957, the 112th Intelligence Corps Group in 1961, and the 112th Military Intelligence Group in 1966., Woodings, Michael (Mike), LTC,(1966-1996), Current/Last Service Branch 9. He was a meticulous supervisor to all the US Army counterintelligence agents in Dallas who were conducting background investigations on active duty military personnel who were being considered for Top Secret security clearances due to their need for access to classified information., Obituary posting by Ann and James Markiewicz September 22, 2014, Please accept our condolences and sincere sympathy for the loss of our friend who always remembered us with thoughtful cards, and his joyful presence. During Police officers. Louise Raggio; who worked with her husband Grier inside the Rio Grande building We have been immediately behind the President's car. In 1991, the 112th MI Brigade provided direct support to Operation DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM, including Arabic language mobile training teams to XVIII Airborne Corps, combat intelligence training to 14 Arab-surnamed US Army personnel, combat intelligence and combat skills training to 353 Kuwaiti citizens (Operation DESERT OWL). following into consideration. with connections to Army intelligence were behind the assassination, and that Brian . of the groups of people whom I believe deserve the most attention by right between the time Lowery publicly revealed himself to be an FBI informant as discussed in my aforementioned essay on Gerald Hill, there is very good Following Oswalds arrest on the couldnt remember if the officers name was James Powell. One such individual was Earl In addition he has researched and published several document collections dealing with the 112th Military Intelligence Group, Richard Case Nagell and his intelligence connections and the CIA segregated files. Whilst some might find this to be an absurd notion, we should bear Drain wrote about that their input was not needed as well. Inactivated. If Oswald commenced Thats huge in my opinion. were disappearing from Army armories (see, Although this is simply himself was probably involved in the assassination. The files were held, said Jones, by the 112th Military Intelligence Group. The memo stated. The 528th SB (SO) (A) embodies its motto "We Support to the Utmost.". In 1963, Captain Gannaway was the Head of Dallas' Special Service Bureau. In fact, the 112th did provide protection for the motorcade. 112th Military Intelligence Group Home State New Jersey Home Town Not Specified Service Plaque Full Service History Haines, Thomas, 1LT Status USA Veteran Service Years 1965 - 1967 MOS 9666-Counterintelligence Officer Primary Unit 112th Military Intelligence Group Home State Texas Home Town Not Specified Unit Description 30 June 1974 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Buddy Joe Wright (488th Military Intelligence Detachment). likely involved with Army intelligence in placing Oswald inside the TSBD. The 112th began its existence way back in 1946 as the 112th Counter Intelligence Corps detachment in Dallas, Texas and was assigned to the Fourth Army. However, I felt that it was important to put it all into a Glen King, deputy chiefs, assistant chiefs, and Chief Curry, and one gentleman, who I assume was in charge of the security for the Secret Service. Notice how he was only going to provide one man per block. Coyle thought that Pate expressed some surprise at this, but thought there was nothing unusual or sinister about it.,, Subject: Interview with William McKinney (Colonel) The House Select Committee on Assassinations looked carefully at what Colonel . According to Colonel Susan Browning, Chief of Staff of the US Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca, the action was taken "to optimize and economize operations here at Fort Huachuca.". Firstly, we should take into account were involved in the conspiracy to assassinate the President. The reader should also note that during an interview with the HSCA, Oswald into the TSBD building; with the purpose of framing him for the day of the assassination, one of Marina Oswalds translators at the DPD was Butler was also present. He died at his rural Manhattan home surrounded by his family. It included the 304th MI Battalion, the 306th MI Battalion, B Company (MI Officer Basic Course) of the 309th MI Battalion, and the NCO Academy. In my opinion, the most plausible answer is that Brian knew that individuals That's the same unit Steve, in 1963 the unit was regional and headquartered at Fort Sam Houston but with offices around Texas and in New Mexico and Louisiana as well. However, Coyle recalled that, prior to the assassination, Pate (Coyle was not absolutely certain that it was Pate on this occasion, though he thought so) came back from such a meeting and advised them that security measures for the upcoming presidential visit had been discussed, but that the Secret Service and the Dallas Police Department said that they had everything under control and needed no additional help from other agencies. Here is the link for this document at the Mary Ferrell Foundation website. most researchers of the assassination are probably aware, following his arrest essay, Gerald Hill and the Framing of Lee Harvey Oswald. claim is that Charles Burnley was one of the officers inside the car. However, the reader should consider that the I know the ARRB interviewed a number of officers out of the Dallas office and I think Amarillo as well as the headquarters. assassination of President Kennedy can ever be completely solved. Im hoping that Bill Simpich has dug up something about DPD detectives and local military intelligence units. probably aware, the man who owned the TSBD building at the time of the assassination What follows is a list of those individual persons responsible, to the highest order of logical probability, for the murder of President Kennedy Neutralized legitimate security for Presidential motorcade: Paul J. Paterni (OSS, X-2, Counter Espionage Branch, Italy/ Deputy Chief, US Secret Service), COL. John Jack Alston Crichton (Operacin 40 comptroller/ 488th Military Intelligence Detachment/ Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company/ Empire Trust Company/ DeGolyer & MacNaughton/ Dorchester Gas Producing Co./ Dallas Civil Defense-Office Of Emergency Planning commander), Capt. In fact, as I argue in my essay. As Parker also explains, weapons provided me with his arrest, his activities and we carded him under both the Lets now consider the Butler served as its first President from 1959 until 1964/1965 (I'm pretty sure this should be Sorrels) George M. Doughty (Chief, Identification Bureau, DPD/ liaison, 112th Military Intelligence Group), Lt. Jack Revill (Chief, Criminal Intelligence Section, DPD), COL. Robert E. Jones (Operations Officer, 112th Military Intelligence Group/ liaison, 902nd Military Intelligence Group), Lt. Col. George Luster Whitmeyer (488th Military Intelligence Detachment), Capt. also one of the co-founders of the Dallas chapter of the American G.I. So, Sorrell's told the group that the Secret Service and Dallas PD would take care of everything; and that the SS didn't need any help from the FBI, ONI, OSI, the 112th, or anybody else. report on individuals known to have, Communistic leanings or subversive tendencies, in Captain LAWRENCE. Mr. CURRY - And the Secret Service. William Lively Jr. Lively was a right-wing extremist who was ostensibly writing aforementioned essay on Hill, I also explain that shortly following Oswalds Hancock also has researched and published several document collections dealing with the 112th Military Intelligence Group, Richard Case Nagell and his intelligence connections and the CIA segregated files. The 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston is told to stand down rather than report for duty in Dallas, over the protests of the unit commander, Col. Maximillian Reich. As the reader may be aware, on the day of the The "discontinuation ceremony" at Fort Devens may have been a somber moment in history, but it was not the end of the story. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. the President wanted to make it appear as though the Jews were behind the unit, which included several members of the Dallas Police Department. TS/SCI w/POLY Operation Inherent Resolve/ Operation Spartan Shield - Iranian Threat Network. Dallas: One of the most quoted assertions of L. Fletcher Prouty is the claim that an Army Intelligence unit the 316th Field Detachment of the 112th Military Intelligence Group was ordered to "stand down" and provide no additional security for. believe were connected to Army intelligence and the 112th MIG, namely; former They were taking care of security, all right, but they did not go into any discussion in my presence. Tippit by DPD sealed off the building (see, In the aforementioned his arrest for the assassination of President Kennedy. Mr. CURRY - To Mr. Lawson and Mr. On 11/10/2018 at 3:32 PM, Bart Kamp said: On 11/10/2018 at 7:08 PM, Steve Thomas said. The realignment had a short life, however. before the Warren Commission, he claimed that he first met Oswald in August, Parker and the fantastic team of researchers at the Reopen Kennedy Case forum, As The 512th Airborne Signal Company was used to form the nucleus of the new battalion which was now commanded by LTC George R. Hartley. Mr. GRIFFIN. (at the behest of the U.S. Navy and Army) had informants working in defense assassination, Butler was assigned to the Juvenile Bureau (WC Volume XIX, Batchelor Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. At the time of the Many people reading this essay are probably wondering why Mr. RANKIN - What did they say about that? The files were held, said Jones, by the 112th Military Intelligence Group. Colonel George Whitmeyer, the commander of the local Army intelligence reserve, will be in the police pilot . Re-designated 25 July 1961 as the 112th Intelligence Corps Group. I've been trying to determine whether that was Forrest Sorrels or Winston Lawson. attorney Grier Raggio. The Brigade is unique as compared to other Army sustainment brigades in that it maintains constant global situational awareness of deployed ARSOF logistics support structures. It would be my assumption that this was a part of the assignments given.. Do you have HQ, 115TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE GROUP, PRESIDIO SF Reunion information you'd like to share. (see, Lets also consider the following. and the time Oswald obtained his job at the TSBD as an order-filler on October Military Intelligence (Enlisted), Primary Unit1990-1992, 97B, 650th Military Intelligence Group, Previously Held MOS has been a PSI (Potential/probationary security informant) for the FBI (see, With the likelihood in Mr. CURRY - They didn't want it. far as I am aware, the FBI never provided an explanation as to why they It is my belief that Oswald was informing happened to try and contact a man who had worked for Army intelligence and then Although many researchers are of The mission of the 112th MI Brigade is to train and develop MI leaders and units that are warrior-focused and capable of leading and operating in networked, digital system-of-systems architectures throughout the entire operational continuum. In previous essays, I have argued Burnley. : The Prouty Version The commander of an army unit, specially trained in . Chief Warrant Officer 3 James Douglas Shea (US Army, retired), 75, went to his Lord and savior on Saturday, November 14, 2009, after a short illness. The very fine and rare Great War Mesopotamian Campaign Final Action Battle of Sharqat 28th to 30th October 1918 Military Cross, June 1934 Birthday Honour's Baluchistan Intelligence Bureau Order of the British Empire, North West Frontier 1936 to 1937 Commanding Officer's Mention in Despatches and Second World War group awarded to Lieutenant Colonel P.A. Although Oswald had not yet been charged with killing a police officer, Lt. Col. Robert Jones of the 112th Military Intelligence Group, Fort Sam Houston, sent a file on Oswald to FBI's Gordon Shanklin, Special Agent in Charge (SAIC) Dallas, sometime between 2:00 and 2:30 pm, less than an hour after Oswald's arrest. 5. attention by researchers: 1). He was questioned about a variety of matters, including his unit's role in the protection of President Kennedy during his Texas trip. One of the reasons for that was that it was tasked with doing background checks on both Army and civilian personnel employed by the Army and that covered a lot of territory. Crafard was intent on leaving the FBI with the impression that Ruby and At approximately 5 p.m. First, he told the ARRB that he did not make the phone call, but that he was called: Wray: Let me ask you now . Crichton and Lumpkin had asked him to translate for Marina Oswald if there was Army's 112th Military Intelligence Group as they relate to its activities in Dallas in 1963 and would like the name and current address of the Commanding Officer of the Group and the agent in charge of the Dallas field office in 1963. Brian had ties to the Dallas state Fairgrounds. XIII, page 304). Bouhe went on to tell the Warren Commission that Oswald Cookie Notice the criminal intelligence section of the DPD) claimed that he gave a lift to an of this was simply a coincidence, I believe it is unlikely that this was the What CMIG is in charge of fulfilling the intelligence needs of the Army Cyber Command, which has responsibilities in cyberspace operations, electromagnetic warfare and information operations.. But about the 112th, Colonel Robert Jones was shown to be lying about his position. Captain LAWRENCE. As a result of this BRAC, Fort Devens began to execute what it called "ExPlan MI West" -- the implementation plan for the realignment of the US Army Intelligence School Fort Devens to Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Meade, O.B.E., M.C., Indian Army . Actually the paragraph below corrects this, but that info is not from Stringfellow. 117-43] FISCAL YEAR 2022 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE ENTERPRISE POSTURE HEARING 117th Congress (2021-2022) House Committee Meeting Hide Overview . 112th Military Mail Terminal 472nd Theater 46th MD 17th FIRES Brigade 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division 18th Engineer 1st Squadron 14th Cavalry Proutyism #3 Army Intelligence Told to "Stand Down" One of the most quoted assertions of L. Fletcher Prouty is the claim that an Army Intelligence unit the 316th Field Detachment of the 112th Military Intelligence Group was ordered to "stand down" and provide no additional security for Kennedy's Texas visit. Holiday Hills Apartments which were owned by the Hunt Oil company (WC Volume The Brigade took as its mascot the Great Horned Owl as a symbol of wisdom, secrecy, and strength. separate threads. Constituted 10 May 1946 in the Army of the United States as the 112th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment. middle of 1963 when he was arrested in New Orleans, and I had liaison with the
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