Walking with the long ends pointed forward, when he came to a certain spot, the rods swung around and pointed back toward him. It can be very difficult to drill successful wells in some areas underlain by thick cavernous limestone. The village maintenance crew (3 of them) were all downers. Read more:Ever wonder why there needs to be a pump at the bottom of a deep well? In ancient times, it used to be relatively easy to come up with rudimental water dowsing . Hi fejneerg, thanks for sharing your info! Systems. Water is not always where youd expect. I've never heard that one, might have to try it sometime. On the spirtual side of this however Grandpa was descended from a Scotsman. I have pretty good luck at it, Ive even used a pick axe with leather gloves if no wires or branches were handy Dennis. I used wire for finding the lost graves. Fascinating comment in my experience its conservatives who are far more willing to take things on faith or believe in things with no proof than most Dems or liberals. They are simply uneducated on the matter. Repeat for the second rod, and you have yourself some homemade copper dowsing rods! I told them to throw their dowsing rods away. In the cellar was the old hand dug well beneath the living room floor.When that branch points down it will nearly break if you try to hold it back,,strange as strange gets..Have not tried in decades but I am sure it will work still.. Maybe the liberals could through a multimillon$ grant out there to research the issue or outlaw it ? He'd had a new well drilled for the house but wanted to reactivate the old one for watering his garden. It was the same driller who saw my success locating water just a few feet from a dry hole. Thank you, Michael, Hi, I am a 3rd Generation Water-Witch. I cant be that far from you. You may also pass the wire through a couple of drinking straws. Some of my kids can do it some cant. As the point went downward I tried to pull it up and the bark scratched the palms of my hands. Should have been James Randi. It led me right to them! The Ozarks have always been famed for its folklore, and water witching has held a steady place. Watched a bunch of how to videos. I drilled wells for 45 years. My dad would swear by the witching sticks. It has to be underground. Most frustrating thing Ive ever tried to locate with brass rods. Usually, this is accomplished with the aid of a dowsing stick, rods or a pendulum. I've also heard that peach branches, or hazel branches conduct water in the same way. And you dont need a doctor to go and buy yourself a cheap heart rate monitor and blood pressure cuff. Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, claimed radiations (radiesthesia), gravesites, malign "earth vibrations" and many other objects and materials without the use of a scientific apparatus.It is also known as divining (especially in water divining), doodlebugging (particularly in the United States, in searching for . Thats underground. Hed hold it with his arm out and after a while the weight would start to swing back and forth. The well water was so hard that most people had trouble with it especially with washing clothes. "Divining" is referenced in the south, adding a magical aspect. But then he put his hand on mine, told me to hold the stick as tight as I could, blindfolded me and led me around. We used this info to search an adjacent piece of land with the wires. illow will work for the forked stick and the bobbing stick. I was sitting here thinking about this. In this Aug. 7, 2012 photo, Randy Grebke of Kohnen Concrete Products, demonstrates how he locates underground water by holding two copper wires while on a well drilling site in Huey, Ill. The most common divining rod is a Y-shaped branch cut from a tree or bush. Date: October 17, 2021 Author: Bishop Bill 22 Comments. Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove compartment of your car. I ended up using some galvanized wire and then cut it to length before making the 90 degree bends. Would move left or right and continue same process until I would regonize a vein or underground stream. Water dowsing can be performed through a wide range of water dowsing equipment. I have witched successfully for water lines with 2 coat hangers spot on every time. "Experts in the old days held a forked willow branch in both hands, and the single part of the stick would turn as they crossed over water. Make a bend about 24.5 inches in, at about 90 degrees. My Father used to talk about doing it himself. Some regions have underground aquifers. But, to each his own. She has said if there is flow. When I was young I helped an old neighbor track a tile line all the way across his farm. Id walk and as my stick started going down I would place a flag. Water Witching. Water Witching or Water Dowsing to locate underground wateranybody ever done itboth my grandfathers could do.my dad and I have done it..it's crazy how it works..I used it to find a leaking waterline in our yard that was about 2 1/2 ft underground..tripped the wife . Dowsing, in general terms, is the art of finding hidden things. Some researchers believe that humans can detect the presence of water by some trace amount of energy that it releases. Use a length of 1 inch (2.5 cm) dowel rod, with a hole through the center. But I do know that God can take all things and turn them for good. Im located in the Fayetteville, TN area. There was no way to fake this experiment. No one knows why dowsing worksor if, indeed, it does work. For the bobber stick (to determine depth of water), Lynn uses a dowsing willow about 3 feet long but small and light. I was a strong farm boy, and I held that stick tight. Ha Ha. Be open. A well must intersect enough of these tiny fractures to produce useful amounts of water. Downeast Maine. My FIL who could do water witching told me that one time he was having no luck so he removed his 4 buckle overshoes and suddenly he could then find water again. He demonstrated with a single branch held loosely in one hand. Dowsing can be done via many different tools, including but not limited to: two L-shaped copper rods, a willow branch, a pendulum or a weight tied to a string. Water witching saved me days of work with shovel. Thank you very much. Yes he dosed and found and also claimed underground rivers! My mom could do this..we called them water witches. Dont know anyone who ever used it for bombs, gold etc, but seen it work for water. Chinese New Year: Traditions and Superstitions, Spring Equinox and the First Day of Spring, Summer Solstice and the First Day of Summer, Sell the Farmers Almanac In Your Retail Store, Grow Your Business Advertise with the Farmers Almanac, Be The Business Your Customers Will remember. Lynn uses willow because its plentiful, but hes also used chokecherry branches. The pull is very obvious. my dad did this for years using a fork from a chokecherry tree , nothing else worked for him . My father was really good at finding water for people he used wires i prefer a forked stick dowsing doesnt have to be proven to me i know without a shadow of a doubt it works i havent figured out how to scientifically prove it but i can make anyone feel what i feel as long as im touching the stick you will feel it to there has to be a way you could measure the force being put on my stick its so strong if i try to hold the stick and keep walking the stick will break. Son scoffs, he can't do it but I tell him it's because he doesn't believe it works. The dowsing that most people are familiar with is water dowsing, or water witching or rhabdomancy, in which a person holds a Y-shaped branch (or two L-shaped wire rods) and walks around until they . Love this kind of folklore. I find lost Septic Tanks and Septic Drain Fields, Leaking Pond Dams, Spring Water for Cattle watering Systems and wet Spring produced wet areas in Lawns and Cropfields. I have located a few places to drill a well. I don't know how accurate it is. These areas often yield abundant water to wells. In Europe and northeastern US, it is known as dowsing. He has located numerous water lines on my farm since I bought it when I wanted to install hydrants or cattle drinks. Whenever he went over an area that he had already tested having water the stick would forceably turn down, peeling bark off the stick in my hand and even making marks in my skin. Not sure how to determine the quality of the water and its flow rate but apparently some people can determine that too. He had a standing challenge offering a million dollar cash prize to anyone who pass his tests on any of the above. Would be curious if life expectancy or health issues differ from those who can and can't. Its possible to find water sometimes at high elevations, while some attempts to drill wells near rivers have failed. Has anybody heard of the Mansfield automatic water finder? As he approached the spot, he registered a look of total shock and surprise as the stick led his hand straight down. Kelly Rogers: I know in the past too they used willow rods, like willow sticks. Try it yourself ,grab couple pieces of thin wire or other metal, bend it to fit your hands at approximately 90 degrees and walk across your lawn ,find the water meter in the street and that runs in a straight line to your first hose bib. I was stunned by my first success when the stick pointed straight down and pulled my hand with it. While the majority of dowsers search for water, some practitioners use this technique to find all sorts of things: gold, bombs, or even the missing remote control to theTV. But the tip of the stick bends first. and the people came in with a drill and drilled another place with no luck . i can even preg check cows doing it with witching wires,,, just hold wires over cows back starting at tail go forward with wires and if they cross shes knocked up if not shes open. The willow tree is naturally found around lakes or ponds because is it a water loving tree. I know nothing but have always suspected it has something to do with an individual's electrical charge. It doesnt seem to correlate with soil type or rock formations on the surface. Some people use two metal rods called divining rods or even wire. He said he knew of those locations and there were others on my land. Each bob is supposed to indicate the depth to the water. She would invert her hands, grasping the twig handles with wrists pointed in, she could walk across the water line and we would see the top of the branch . We can determine male or female, how deep the grave is and by determining the length of the grave figure if its a child or adult. Remain still to see if the bobbing starts again. Remain still after it stops bobbing and the stick will start to move side to side. Warning be careful if you try that with opposite sex. He found one at Dad's house and was within 2ft of the depth of the vein. After locating the underground water with a forked willow, he figured out how deep it was by using a willow stick about 3 feet long. Although most would say that dowsing is nothing more than a myth, there are quite a few people today whobelieve in this practice. The local Purdue farm uses dowsing rods to locate broken drain lines in the fields. they will simply that there is no right nor wrong place, just drill anyplace and you either hit or miss. Im about half of them the wire will start going down on them when they approach the vein. The man acting as "witch" held the branch by the fork ends with the point sticking straight out in front of him. The "water witch" showed up with a willow branch that looked like a forked part of the tree. Turn off water or electricity to start It has the ability to flow laterally through these pore spaces and establish a "water table" that is generally horizontal or slightly sloping (see Figure 2). They have learned through this experience the parts of their service area where wells with adequate amounts of quality water are usually encountered. Handy having 2 rods. The rod is usually a Y-shaped forked branch, the forks making a sort . The way I became interested in water witching and understanding how it works was a TV show called Off the Grid. The real test would be to determine how deep and at what flow rate. Diana fowler we also have a farm that was owned by old man jones in ohio. I read about a technique using what was referred to as a bobbing stick to help determine the depth of to the water and then the depth of the vein of water. Remove and compost all of the leaves and cut the branches into 1-inch (2.5 cm) pieces. Alternately, glue several cotton reels together into a cylinder. Your dowsing rod should also be relatively flatno branches sticking out in odd directions. You can also use apple or peach branches for water dowsing. He said when you first felt the willow stick move you counted from there to when it went straight down. They ALL use this technique everyday. I seem to find them occasionally with the backhoe ?? L-shaped or Y-shaped Dowsing Rod Traditionally a straight or forked tree branch or twig, usually from a hazel tree, though peach and willow twigs are also acceptable. I am a dowsed of forty years experience. I'm not sure about electrical but probably so. Favorite Jung & Johnnys Seeds For Your 2023 Garden, Winter Sowing The Spring Vegetable Garden. Willow or apple was used to create the strongest 'pull' to the water. When the grateful rancher paid him, Lynn realized his services were valuable. Some real estate agents in our valley ask him to check properties before offering them for sale, to make sure there is water. Hello Brian, Do you know how I would go about finding a Dowser in my area? My grandfather was the water finder and he said use willow for finding water. If this true please explain why I have had the bark peel off in my hands trying to stop the movement! You may have to ask around to find out methods that work for you. And, if you are looking for oil, it's . If I can teach 9 yr old to do it anyone can do it following this simple technique. Not a lot of call for it in the big city. In fact, historical images that appear to represent dowsing appear all over the worldin the temples of Egyptian pharaohs, in ancient Chinese etchings and more. About like going by the almanac to know when to lay down gravel..But a couple of years ago, we were building a new pipe fence in an area with a suspected water line. I know it works I use it nearly everyday. Any advise? Not sure how finding clean drinking water for a well or an old tile line is evil work, but I'm sure mankind can find a way to corrupt this too. 4) turn water or electricity on and repeat. I believed I could do it because I believed in him. They found an old hand dug tile. Over the last century, several studies have shown that the average dowser is no better at predicting the location of water than anyone else. It will go left and right when I get over a line. One of the most comical things Ive ever witnessed, him shuffling around my yard and whenever his wires got crossed, stomping one foot on the ground and with absolute confidence Dig HERE!10 minutes later with a probeno luck. "Dowsing," "water witching," "divining," and "doodlebugging" are all names for the practice of locating groundwater by walking the surface of a property while holding a forked stick, a pair of L-shaped rods, a pendulum, or another tool that responds when the person moves above a location that will yield an adequate flow of water to a drilled well (see Figure 1). For the bobber stick (to determine depth of water), Lynn uses a dowsing willow about 3 feet long but small and light. Search Dowsing rods and I'd say it must have some merit. Accuracy? Dowsing or water-witching is a form of divination used to locate ground water, oil, sites, and information. He does this every day he works and with 100% accuracy. I guess thats good enough. But if its only a few gallons per minute and the client wants more, you know there is a deeper layer. Most successful water wells are drilled without the advice of a hydrogeologist. I was a golf course irrigation foreman for many years and whenever we couldnt find a system or branch of the main line, I would think pull out 2 metal pieces of wire and locate the missing irrigation line before the other guys even got their high tech (expensive) locators out of the box and powered on. People who dont believe in it sounds just as ignorant as not believing that the fungal network plays a massive role in natural forest health. It has drastically reduced the number of landscape losses. After they dug several dry holes. Seems odd when well driller keeps finding dry holes and up to 6-7 at times and the landowners ask me to come and I find one the first time with my trusty #9 wire. The Dewey Decimal classification system places dowsing in 133.323 in the neighborhood of fortune-telling, parapsychology and occultism. They believe that locations where this water is present are surrounded by forces that will produce a response in their tools. I think I can do this. Oh, and it also helps to know that traces of the waterline's route are still visible, especially if you connect the dots made by tile holes where the waterline cut them. It is a unique talent that I also have I generally use one rod in my receiving hand. I use two L-shaped wires bent out of coat hangers. So he said, explain that one to find water in the middle of a field and enough for an irriigation well when they had already dug a few dry test holes. Reminds me of someone bending their finger. First, Lynn locates water using welding rods to determine if there is any water in a certain area. I live in Western N.C.Haywood Co. My address is Clyde, which is between Waynesville and Asheville . It was a strong well and He was only off by 5 feet.darndest thing I ever saw. Then it just stopped and floated nicely in the water. She has used witching sticks with very good results. Witched my first well in my teens. The one guy just carries a crow bar or other iron bar at his side as he walks and when it starts to move that indicates water. Some water witchers use a forked willow branch and by gripping the two forks firmly, the willow rod will move up and down when placed over and underground current of water. At first when I started I would just walk around in an area and if my stick went down Id say try here. 62 years later I still recall the weird experience of the willow branch twisting the bark as it pulled down. You didnt answer your own question, though. The hydrogeologist will also seek information about previous wells drilled in the local area. That well driller didnt believe in water dowsing originally but now calls me whenever someone wants him to drill a well.. Because a water witch's method is not scientifically proven, reliance on this technique is considered a folk practice. Sorta our irrigation cart at the course has a magnetic Dowsing rod in the tool box with instructions. When I was 7 we had a neighbor locate the buried water lines on a new farm. There are usually only two levels, because Ive located where they cross. The idea was to count how many times it would swing and that was supposed to relate to the depth. "The small end, where you are holding it, is less than 1/4 inch in diameter," he says. It can and does work. senior writer. Daylight Saving: When Does the Time Change? Traditionally, the most common dowsing rod is a forked (Y-shaped) branch from a tree or bush. Am David Mundia from Kenya I have been dowsing for water from 1999.I have done it for local farmers numerous times and never missed to locate water . Dowsing rods point toward you when you are directly over water. The National Ground Water Association, in a position statement, "strongly opposes the use of water witches to locate groundwater on the grounds that controlled experimental evidence clearly indicates that the technique is totally without scientific merit" [2]. He used his wires and said probe here. If theres more water on down, it will start over and seek the next one. My father took a shovel, and dug straight down at the point where the rods pointed at each other, hit the pipe, busted it open and fixed the issue with our main. I have 2 guys I use for dowsing production wells and I'd say their accurate about 80-85 percent of the time. The wires did move/ cross. People laugh at me but if the pipe has water in it ill find it. Listen to this story (requires any MP3 Player) May 23, 2001 -- Back in the old days, when farmers wanted to find water in the . He found out wher they crossed each other then he put the ends in his one hand and held it over where he said they crossed, the end of the Y started bobbing up and down, each bob was a foot. I put a 1500 gallon surface tank and a pressure tank. One had me hold his stick, fresh off the tree with bark on it, and had me try to locate areas to no avail. Cut a Y-shaped stick from a tree, making sure that all three sections of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long. Hes into genealogy. He was never wrong and always found water. Old style dowsers and water witches in the United States prefer branches from the witch-hazel, willow, or peach tree and often favor rods of freshly cut or green wood because "wet wood recognizes water." The dowser holds the Y-shaped dowsing rod with one short end of the Y in each hand and the long end of the Y pointing forward. I would appreciate that information. Been doing it since 1978. Underground rivers directly over water yr old to do it because I I! 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